Survey #186 Response from Pat

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Statement #1: When I give valuable things to friends or family, I worry that they will turn around and give them away.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #2: When I give something away, I accept that I have no further claim to it, which gives me peace of mind.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #3: I only give things on the condition that the recipients will involve me in any decisions about the future disposition of things I’ve given them.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #4: I find it discouraging when I give useful and valuable things to friends and family who don't appreciate it.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #5: Worrying about what happens to things after you give them away is letting stuff hold too much power over you.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #6: It means a lot to me that my children recognize and understand the importance and value of items from our family’s history.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #7: Even though my stuff has become a burden in my life, it’s hard to let go of good things to people who don’t appreciate them.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #8: Remaining attached to our stuff and feeling like we need to find a good home for each item arises out of a need to remain in control.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Statement #9: When people don’t want the thing you give to them, it isn’t a judgment on you or the value of your gift.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
What factors do you consider when you’re thinking about giving things away to family members, friends, neighbors, or other people you know?These people, who I choose, will accept the item or not. I ask first if they can use it. If not, I have a long list of Denver friends (and donation places) who need various items. I’m downsizing and my ‘goal’ is get it out of my space! In my mind, I have already released it. If I haven’t, I’ll keep it another 30 days and re-evaluate my decision to give it. Or better yet, sell it. Why am I not ready to release it? Because in reality, after my death, ‘all items go into the landfill’. We have no children in thus 55 year marriage. My stuff is mine. I live it all!

I am a giving expensive Diamond and Ruby ring to a cousin this holiday season. She can wear it or sell it. I don’t care. It’s her decision. I’ve already released it. She will figure it out, once she sees the appraisal I have just had in it.

We had no children. So that question did not apply to me. I have nieces/nephews and they don’t want our things except electronics. Instead, we sell really great items for cash. This goes into savings. As household things come up, we pay for it. We do not touch our investments at this point. Everyone us in a different situation.

And personally, relatives don’t need anything we have. Let them earn their own way in life, as we did. Buy their own things. I really prefer to sell these items. And I have a list of people and businesses who will pay my prices here in Denver, WY, MT where I do business with them.

My true goal is to get more into a liquid asset state. Not things. I’m 74. Goals are very different these older years. Been doing this since 2020.

It takes time to develop relationships to do this. I am a retired accountant. There are markets out there for everything. Let these relatives figure it out on their on.
What factors do you consider when you’re thinking about donating items to a charity, shelter, or unknown recipient?1) Is it in good condition? If not, trash it. I’ve seen broken items in thrift stores. They think someone will buy it. I don’t think so.

2) Would I buy it used? Yes? Donate it.

3) Will organization sell it for cash if it is a very expensive item? So why donate it? I learned to find local resources where to sell locally. Not online. Get cash myself to pay for our home needs.

4) How much overhead expense does tge organization have? If over 15%, then they don’t get my donations.

These places sell to overseas companies in bundles. Clothing is bundled, for example. It us recycled, rested, remade to new clothing and fold back to USA consumers. So some will buy this. I will not.

5) Can I take a tax deduction for the donated items? What is their tax formula for figyring out what us donated?
What is your all-time favorite hand-me-down, cast-off, or regifted item?Photos from 1800s
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once).Ohio
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).I have developed a list in CO of who will buy items. Business, friends, secondary markets. Yard sakes, various Flea Market locations n the state to sell.

I prefer selling first than to donate. We all have too much. It is our economy basis. We are sitting on assets tgst can be converted to cash.

With high gas, food, taxes, insurance, other categories, I have had enough things to sell that have funded other home projects.

What in your state has as locations who will buy? Who do you know who will want your expensive clothing, fine jewelry, tools, non-used appliances?

I’d be interested in knowing other ways to develop my list. And this us a bit different way from bartering.

I have ‘bartered’ cleaning and yard services for furniture we don’t use. It is an interesting process. It is agreeing on value for the trade. And I get it in writing!
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