Survey #188 Response from Sarah
Pronouns | She/her |
Do you celebrate any holidays in the period from late-October to early-January? | It’s complicated… |
Please elaborate, if you wish. | Since. C _V_ D (OI!) there has been a cliff~like drop off of holiday~time togetherness. Interestingly, the solo effort I had "blindly" gone about (sending an actual gift to each family member) also ended. |
What is your FAVORITE part of the holiday season, and why? | Every year, about now, i find myself squirreling away "gifties" and putting post~it notes |
What is your LEAST FAVORITE part of the holiday season, and why? | The holiday season is a mental storm for me. I think that's the reason they exist: to distract the children from the coldest, darkest time of year in the greatly populated Northern Hemisphere. So, they're a good distraction for little children and parents and grandparents! I enjoy them, too, but my least favorite part is when i lose my grip on reality because of the constant .... frenzy?! |
How ready is your home for any decorating, gift-wrapping, and/or holiday entertaining that you have planned? | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. |
Describe the feeling, emotional state, or “vibe” you’d like for your home to convey to your family and guests during holiday gatherings, meals, and celebrations. | Just two days ago, i finally saw the light... the light you have been mentioning for years in video after friendly, understanding video::: i gave away the clothes in my closet that no longer physically fit on my body. Now I'm shedding stuff like melting snow off a sun warmed roof in the Spring! So, it is a lot tidier! Out go the hoarded rubber~stamp collection, save my very favorites, to my cousin the school teacher. Out go my 6" x 8" stack of unopened art frames i bought on sale in the early 1990s to my retired mother... I'll help her to frame her favorite 4" x 6" flower photographs, of which she has thousands?/hundreds! ... Et cetera... Et cetera.... Et cetera!!! I don't need what I'm not using!!!! Gayle, ... Ed, .... I know now why i was stockpiling objects::: i saw each as a 5 dollar bill in case i was alone and hungry. Honest::: i have been running a store Feeling desperate to give to my parents is what opened the mental lock Due to Depression era values (parents born in 1930s) .... you know the story! Save, save, save! I have not only the holiday season, but my landladies' annual inspection soon, and thanks to A.) putting like with like for 3 years or so B.) my stepmother encouraging me to throw away warehoused food packages (cute and surely useful!), glass jars, paper and plastic bag collections, plus office supplies i was not using (including packages of gorgeous, designed copy paper with only 3 sheets left in plastic wrapper), lots of saved mailing containers!, 20 odf brand new bubble mailing envelopes, dozens of return address labels (separated by 5 digit versus 9 digit zip codes!) Etc etc etc!!! Good stuff went to charity... Other stuff went to the dumpster! And some stuff i could not let go, and yet had no present use for, went to my stepmother's barn! (Having this "out" made the whole thing possible. Otherwise, I would not have agreed to it! Also, she didn't require me to go through my clothes closet or my books. And she let me keep my crafts supplies after almost giving them all to charity, because i had deep second thoughts....) That was all in March, April, and May of 2023. Now, 6 months later, I've magically become able ... willing and able ANd EXCited to give away MORe! to people who can actually put this store house of good stuff to USe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bless you both! Patient. Kind. I'm forever indebted |
What gift would you most like to receive this year? | |
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). | Ed, what kind of books do you enjoy? Gayle, what's a favorite time of the day or day of the week for you lately? |
Future topics | Maybe...the importance for some very strong collectors to have a third space to send items they aren't currently needing but they do not want to give or throw away. |
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