Survey #201 Response from Anonymous user

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Describe an experience in which clutter—yours or someone else’s—had a negative impact on a relationship. The relationship in question may be one of yours or someone else’s that you’ve observed.Only one?

I was invited to visit out-of-area friends a reasonable drive away on the weekend coming but everything was in such disarray (laundry, dishes, my condo) I had to decline so I could stay home and clean. More my end of relationship that suffered but it was lost fun.
Describe an item that evokes a strong association or memories of a person you love, whether that person is still living or gone. This may be something you still own, something you’ve let go, or just an object of which you have a vivid memory.A demitasse cup my sister purchased on a trip to England. Over the decades since her untimely death, I donated all the others in her collection of them. I kept only one of my few favorites.
How might reducing your clutter or making your home more organized affect your most important relationships, for better or for worse? If you live alone and/or don’t feel that your stuff affects any of your relationships, you may answer this question instead: How might reducing your clutter or making your home more organized affect your health, happiness, wellbeing, attitude, or mood?I do live alone and further reducing my clutter will make it easier to get out of the house when I want to get together with friends and also make me more likely to invite friends over spur of the moment.
Choose the option that best describes your feelings about Valentine’s Day:Other
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