Survey #201 Response from Marsh (MarshMellow)

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Describe an experience in which clutter—yours or someone else’s—had a negative impact on a relationship. The relationship in question may be one of yours or someone else’s that you’ve observed.My family of origin came through the Depression experiencing extreme wealth to overnight losing it all. As I grew up I realized the shameful impact it had on my Family as we rarely had any events in our home. IF we had people over the only rooms available were the dining room, bathroom and living room for the 'clutter [nothing was ever thrown away} had just been shoved into the downstairs closets, our respective bedrooms and all the doors shut then locked.
Describe an item that evokes a strong association or memories of a person you love, whether that person is still living or gone. This may be something you still own, something you’ve let go, or just an object of which you have a vivid memory.My item is the one and only picture I was able to salvage from the water-ruined storage unit of my Beloved Husband and I as we shared our very first kiss on our wedding day. Out of 17 photos - I was blessed to save this one. As of this survey Today, Saturday Feb 10th 2024 - would have been our 20th Wedding Anniversary.
Thank you Gayle for your Clutter Fairy for if I had not found you, Ed and our community - I would not have had the healing or courage to clear out my storage unit - possibly losing this one photograph forever. I am so grateful for you Gayle and all that you have brought to so many of us.
How might reducing your clutter or making your home more organized affect your most important relationships, for better or for worse? If you live alone and/or don’t feel that your stuff affects any of your relationships, you may answer this question instead: How might reducing your clutter or making your home more organized affect your health, happiness, wellbeing, attitude, or mood?Starting with my mood for I am tired of being grumpy in regards to my reducing the cluttered home I live in. The "stuff" as I process through it - promotes inside of me sourness of attitude. I truly want to embrace a clear, clean, open, organized AND organic space with in my home. Itty bitty steps to be healthier, definitely happier along with inviting others inside to just enjoy being with each other and me. FOR THE BETTER!
Choose the option that best describes your feelings about Valentine’s Day:Other
Please elaborate, if you wish.It is the day after as I love to buy myself some white chocolate on sale = yet more important, I always find someone in my travels to wish it forward to them to have a Lovely Happy Valentines Day!
The smiles I have witnessed are the real magic of this day!!
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).What a great topic and an amazing background for this week's survey. Powerful subject to have us all think of loving ourselves first and then our 'clutter.
Would be interesting to process more "seasonal" aspects of our clutter clearing Maybe you two?
p.s. Happy Valentines Day to both of you!
Future topics

Ok. I overheard two of my current classmates a few weeks ago complaining about their multiple pairs of similar boots. As I listened I was giggling as I thought to myself:
"Just How Many Pairs of Boots DO I Need For Walking?"
Somewhere there is a song about boots...
{ these boots are made for walking, and that's what I'm 'gonna do..these boots are gonna walk all over you - do do do doom}?
i.e. { clutter out the door}. :)!

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