Survey #201 Response from Anonymous user

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Describe an experience in which clutter—yours or someone else’s—had a negative impact on a relationship. The relationship in question may be one of yours or someone else’s that you’ve observed.Avoided making plans if I thought people would need to come to my house. My house was in a location that it would have made a good meet up place - it was so stressful to come up with an alternate meet up plan. Sometimes it was just easier to pass on making plans.
Describe an item that evokes a strong association or memories of a person you love, whether that person is still living or gone. This may be something you still own, something you’ve let go, or just an object of which you have a vivid memory.Can't think of anything right now
How might reducing your clutter or making your home more organized affect your most important relationships, for better or for worse? If you live alone and/or don’t feel that your stuff affects any of your relationships, you may answer this question instead: How might reducing your clutter or making your home more organized affect your health, happiness, wellbeing, attitude, or mood?It's not good for a relationship when your home is a stress point even before you start to think about home repairs, improvements, family visits, etc. It's hard to clean when there's so much stuff everywhere and the existence of the clutter makes it hard to work together to make progress. The amount of stuff wasn't extreme (but also not minor), but if you reach a point where you don't want people to come in and being in your house is draining, how much does it matter if it's a smaller or larger amount of stuff?

We are in a larger space now and have also have gotten rid of a huge quantity of things. Also severely slowed down on the incoming stuff. Still have more to do, but that stress factor is much reduced. Anything that reduces stress for the both of us can only help the relationship.
Choose the option that best describes your feelings about Valentine’s Day:Other
Please elaborate, if you wish.We don't really do Valentine's Day. Nothing against it - I don't feel that it's BS, but it is kind of a commercial day. I like the idea of demonstrating appreciation often during the year and not just channeled into a required holiday. That said, I know to some folks it is very important to be acknowledged on those commercial days and if that's the case, it would be wise for the relationship to show up in the way they'd like.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).Nothing right now - I've been listening to your backlog of podcasts and you cover so many topics.
Future topics

I like the idea you've presented about looking at how other organization/clutter folks approach things - like what you did with the Marie Kondo episodes. I really like Dana White - I had written this up previously and wasn't sure where to send it, so I'll do it here.
I think I've read/listened to all of Dana K. White's books, I found them to be very easy reads and full of good ideas. If I had to pick one book, I'd say "Decluttering at the Speed of Life".

The two concepts of hers that jump to mind:
1 The two decluttering questions - the idea of "where would I look for it" vs. "where in a perfect organizational system would it be?"
2. The idea of "take it there now" and working a small area. Kind of the "anti-Kondo" - don't pull everything out, deal with a defined area item by item, fully processing each item and taking it where it needs to go. This allows you to use small bits of time to make progress and if you get interrupted, there's not a big mess left behind.

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