Survey #204 Response from Debra

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How would you rank paper clutter among the categories of stuff that you have difficulty managing?Paper is my #1 clutter issue.
For which of the following types of paper clutter would you like to get help and/or advice? (Check all that apply.)
  • Financial paper other than bills†
  • Medical
  • Taxes
  • Job-related paper
Please complete any of the following statements:
  • “I struggle with paper clutter because ___.”
  • “I would have an easier time managing paper if only ___.”
  • “The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel ___.”
I struggle with paper because each one represents a decision and is in German officialdom-speak. Paper is absolute king here.
Also, for the first time in my life (for the past few years) I haven’t yearly purged my filing system. It seems as though I always have a stack somewhere.
Another problem is that my brain works with the traditional filing cabinet (drawer system with individual files) but those don’t exist here. I spotted one on an office supply catalogue once for ca. €600. Everything is filed in binders with page protectors. (Offices have tall cylindrical carousels as filing systems, so the narrow side of the binder, the part that opens, points inwards, and the label side is visible. )
It’s easy to pull out a drawer and drop something in a file folder, less so with the system I have.
Also—it’s the easiest thing to procrastinate on. My current stack of paper is at least 3 inches high.
In short:: filing is a pain, I developed good systems years ago and haven’t kept them up to my own standards recently, and I procrastinate on decisions.
Tell us about your most treasured paper item.My passport
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