Survey #204 Response from Anonymous user

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How would you rank paper clutter among the categories of stuff that you have difficulty managing?Paper is my #1 clutter issue.
For which of the following types of paper clutter would you like to get help and/or advice? (Check all that apply.)
  • Bills
  • Financial paper other than bills†
  • Lists and notes
What type of paper clutter that you struggle with did we leave off the list above?paper saved for crafts, paper bags and boxes to reuse, papers saved for reference, paper to be used under messy projects, newspaper to paper train the puppy and for under litter pan, paper used for sketches and notes on projects, papers with phone numbers that are on iffy computer, papers with directions and maps.
Please complete any of the following statements:
  • “I struggle with paper clutter because ___.”
  • “I would have an easier time managing paper if only ___.”
  • “The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel ___.”
I struggle with paper clutter because I am terrified of losing information I have researched or created, information that has been copied to my untrustworthy computer, and confusing papers sent by agencies. I also reuse all kinds of paper that comes into my house (and plenty comes in, in spite of my not taking any magazines or catalogues) for craft projects.

I would have an easier time managing paper if only I could make decisions
Tell us about your most treasured paper item.I have carbon copies of the letters I wrote to friends on a manual typewriter some 50 years ago along with little drawings of things I want to build or sew, even quite a few house plans I designed. They are sweet memories and dreams; snippets of life in a world so different from today's. I think they help me remember who I really am.
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