Survey #204 Response from Anonymous user

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How would you rank paper clutter among the categories of stuff that you have difficulty managing?Paper is a problem, but it doesn’t make my top three categories.
For which of the following types of paper clutter would you like to get help and/or advice? (Check all that apply.)
  • Financial paper other than bills†
  • Receipts
  • Mailing-list mail*
  • Medical
What type of paper clutter that you struggle with did we leave off the list above?Instructions from jewelry classes, promotional cards from artists with images I like, inspirational thoughts and images
Please complete any of the following statements:
  • “I struggle with paper clutter because ___.”
  • “I would have an easier time managing paper if only ___.”
  • “The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel ___.”
I struggle with certain paper clutter - even though I know some financial/medical papers will never be needed, I still have trouble throwing them out. ex. tax info from over 10 years ago, some non-sentimental papers related to my mother who passed away over 10 years ago, old insurance forms). I get that feeling that as soon as i throw them out, I'll need them, even though I know that's not going to happen.

I'd have an easier time managing paper if I trusted that if I ever needed something and didn't have it, it must require some extra work, but I'd find a way to deal with it. Also if I remembered that most recent medical information is available on-line through a patient portal.

I'd have an easier time if I had a system for handling receipts for jewelry supplies and finished jewelry purchases (ex. get in the habit of entering into a spreadsheet) or just giving up on the idea of tracking it all. I don't have a business now but toy with the idea of selling things. But would the pile of receipts I have, many of them faded with age and without detail really be of any use? One idea is to go through the receipts and save only the ones for significant items and/or meaningful information. And maybe set up a system for registering expenses moving forward - something simple, maybe a spreadsheet with a linked photo.
Tell us about your most treasured paper item.Nothing comes to mind at the moment
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).How to keep your car clean and organized. I always seem to have crumbs on the passenger seat because I sometimes snack while driving, I have too many reusable grocery bags that never make it into the store with me but are spread out all over the car. I try to keep up with getting trash out, but the cup holder always could use a wipe. What do I need in the car and what's too much (ex. one hand sanitizer is enough). I feel so good when I get into the car and it's clean, it kind of de-energizes me a bit when it's cluttered.
Future topics

I like talking about other organizer techniques (as you did with Marie Kondo) and what worked or didn't for other people. The Clutter Fairy isn't probably the first clutter rodeo for most of us and I always take away something valuable from any book or method. I think you mentioned you are planning to do this, that would be great. On a smaller scale, if people shared their favorite tips from various methods they tried in the past, that could be helpful.

I've been listening to a lot of old sessions as podcasts and I know you've covered this. But I'm always interested in ways people get rid of stuff that they no longer want. I'm struggling now with the selling vs. donating vs. consigning etc. Trying to come up with some personal guidelines - ex. if under a certain $ amount for household goods, donate, maybe a different value for clothes - unless very high value, donate, etc.
Sometimes I decide it's "leaving" but it goes back in the box because I am rethinking "donate vs. sell" for every item. If I had a set of guidelines that I stuck to, less would go back in the box because I can't decide "how" to move it out. And when I do go to the effort to consign, the $$ are pretty slim given the effort expended. On the other hand, they've moved on to a home that wants them and for a group of items, I have $25 or $50 dollars that I didn't have before (and I try not to think about how much I spent on them or how much the shop as their share).

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