Survey #209 Response from Eve

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Name up to three clutter problem areas in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually or chronically find difficult to get clear—or keep clear—of clutter.Only 3?! (1) Trouble with clothing piling up in front of closet so I can't access it. (2) Counter clutter including items that are drying and then never get put away. (3) Paper clutter that is piled instead of filed.
For any of the problem areas you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your difficulty decluttering in these areas.Other members of my household constantly leave stuff on the counter.
No one in my family ever does laundry except me. I am so busy with theirs that I never get to mine.
No time to deal with papers and heal from injury and run a business etc.
Name up to three clutter “sweet spots” in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually find relatively easy to keep decluttered and organized.Stairs - this used to be a problem but now I take a load up /down with me each time.
Cars - with all the auto burglaries we keep the cars empty
Hallway - it's narrow and leads to all major rooms so nothing should pile up there. Ditto laundry room has to be functional so it's in good shape too
For any of the “sweet spots” you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your ease in (or even enjoyment of) maintaining these areas.answered in previous response
What’s an item or category of stuff that you feel as if you could never get too much of?Health supplements, comfy pillows
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).maybe I missed it in previous video, but I need help building routine to keep the clutter at bay.
Future topics

Routine for busy people to prevent clutter re-accumulation

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