Survey #209 Response from Janice

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Name up to three clutter problem areas in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually or chronically find difficult to get clear—or keep clear—of desk. I put everyone else first, feed them, clean up, hand feed a 21 year old chihuahua about every 2 hours while awake, carry him to the bathroom, and just put my stuff on my desk for 'later.'

thankfully new Vet, New Food and huge improvement. Feeds self now. So peeling the onion has begun!

I am ridding a lot of stuff, better to have less to manage.

thanks for teaching me that!!
For any of the problem areas you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your difficulty decluttering in these areas.“I’m the cook, and shopping and food prep leave me with little energy for urgent kitchen organizing.”

I have begun to batch prep salads and set trays with the measured ingredients, just like a cooking show and it helps.
Name up to three clutter “sweet spots” in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually find relatively easy to keep decluttered and organized.Laundry Room.

Everything has a place, so when an item is removed from the shelf, one knows right where to put it back. I like to do laundry. My mom had a wringer washer and I used to help her. I think of those happy memories. (not for her , it was hard work) I have painted the walls a happy yellow and added minor decor, like a Laundry-themed clock hung with tiny colored clothespins on a rope. And a nice (washable) throw rug.

I also wipe down the washing machine and dryer and occasionally scrub the Laundry tub, what a difference.!!!
For any of the “sweet spots” you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your ease in (or even enjoyment of) maintaining these areas.shelving shows where to return an item.

No overstock and stacking.

Minimal extra containers of detergent When one gets low, I do place the new one on the floor ( no room on the shelf) but just one and for a short time till current container is empty and rinsed of every drop.

wipe up spills on the side of the liquid detergent container, that looks messy to me.

Happy warm yellow walls. curtains match laundry-themed wall clock. It is a basement but that corner does not feel like one.
What’s an item or category of stuff that you feel as if you could never get too much of?pencils. I love pencils.

and Yarn. I love yarn/
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).How do you sell jewelry that is good quality but out of style?
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