Survey #209 Response from Jeanne

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Name up to three clutter problem areas in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually or chronically find difficult to get clear—or keep clear—of clutter.Crafts in craft room, inherited furniture and China, glassware and basement storage of misc
For any of the problem areas you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your difficulty decluttering in these areas.Everything is useful for crafts!
Antique inherited furniture and expensive China, glassware not worth selling
Storage of sentimental, holiday. Crafts, memories, photos, kitchen small appliances ~ all in basement
Old age, limited energy, overwhelm, lack of money for professionals

Had two pro organizers for closet and pantry. Altho both took away donations and I was ruthless, I think I could have done it myself with much cheaper help but who? Family is too busy, husband and I are feeble, no close friends.
Name up to three clutter “sweet spots” in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually find relatively easy to keep decluttered and organized.Kitchen cabinets, pantry
Clothes, shoes, jewelry
Coat closet
For any of the “sweet spots” you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your ease in (or even enjoyment of) maintaining these areas.Don’t cook much or enjoy it so limited items in kitchen
I wear tees and jeans every day so got rid of all else
Pleasure to open coat closet with only one of my coats in it, however hubby has 7 and tools on floor.
What’s an item or category of stuff that you feel as if you could never get too much of?Craft items
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).As often and successful as I am at decluttering certain shelves or areas, my husband fills it within days. And he is not the hoarder in the house! But it frustrates me and makes my motivation disappear.

I have gotten 3 carloads (approx 43 kitchen trash bags) of crafts to charity. Still room is full. Grr
Funny how I can declutter clothes, kitchen, bedrooms but can’t get a handle on crafts.
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