Survey #209 Response from Lynn
Pronouns | She/her |
Name up to three clutter problem areas in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually or chronically find difficult to get clear—or keep clear—of clutter. | The top of the clothes dryer is my frequent flyer of clutter. It is the drop spot for things going into or out of the garage or for the miscellaneous things that belong in the garage but have yet to be assigned their home on a shelf. I try to make myself take something from there each time I pass by in the direction it needs to go but that doesn't always happen.. At the very least, I clear the top off once a month and put things away. It is a never ending battle to keep it cleared off for more than a week. |
For any of the problem areas you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your difficulty decluttering in these areas. | I need to revamp the organization of items on the shelves in the garage to better enhance the ebb and flow of items stored out there.. The current system isn't working very well for me This will be the third time through the process and I want to get it right this time. Problem is I haven't yet figured out how to improve it. I have everything thing sorted into household and gardening categories with some in bins and some loose on shelves. It isn't very easy to backfill with newer items without it being a project to do so. The incentive is that I need to get it done now before the hot weather makes it too hot out there. Or, procrastinate long enough that it goes on the do in cooler weather list. |
Name up to three clutter “sweet spots” in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually find relatively easy to keep decluttered and organized. | My kitchen, clothes closet and bathroom are the easy spots for me. I don't let things go for more than a day before being tidied up. |
For any of the “sweet spots” you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your ease in (or even enjoyment of) maintaining these areas. | I do the laundry as soon as full load has accumulated and hang it up as soon as it comes out of the dryer. This is easy to accomplish because I have pruned my seasonal clothes down to enough to clothe me for 7 days before I run out of clean clothes. This also helps keep my closet uncluttered as long as I keep practicing the one-in/one-out method for both my clothes and shoes. In my bathroom and kitchen I spent the time and money to prune to just essentials and organized everything into various containers.. it makes it easy to maintain when everything has a easy home to access. |
What’s an item or category of stuff that you feel as if you could never get too much of? | Garden seeds, herbs and spices, and art canvases. |
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