Name up to three clutter problem areas in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually or chronically find difficult to get clear—or keep clear—of clutter. | I had to really think hard about this. We have the usual “nesting” spaces and a few decluttering project. Our nests - we tend to police them regularly, cleaning up after ourselves. Plus, I do a nightly walk-thru to pick-up, put-away stuff.
1. Entry way area - we need a storage solution. There’s no closet there. I have an idea but haven’t acted on it. Build a behind the door wall hung cabinet for his stuff.
2. Husband’s nest around his recliner. I’m thinking of getting a car seat organizer to hold his stuff spreading over the nearby loveseat.
3. My Craft Supplies. I have a closet for storage. It became a Dash & stash zone for a few delayed decisions. I haven’t considered it a major problem. I view it simply as an area I haven’t “done” yet. BUT… I’ve realized there’s some buried crafting fodder there. (For collage art journals.) The last run I made at this closet (2020) - I purposefully organized this fodder in limited containers. (2 spiral bound 24 slash pocket project organizers.) I decided I wouldn’t add to it until I used what I had. But, out of sight… out of mind. I’ve collected more. Stored in a basket by my kitchen chair. And, a backlog of magazines I’ve kept to harvest images. THAT’S A PROBLEM! And, I didn’t make the connection until thinking about this question. Life has been really chaotic. I feel the clouds lifting, I’ll take care of this soon. |
For any of the problem areas you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your difficulty decluttering in these areas. | 1. Entryway - needs a storage solution. I have an idea. I’m going to use some cardboard & duct tape to mock up a behind the door hanging wall cabinet.
2. Husband’s nest - needs a storage solution. He’s open to trying one solution I found.
3. Craft Supply Closet - needs a good declutter. And, a rule to keep the floor clear. That’s worked for my other closets & under-beds. |
Name up to three clutter “sweet spots” in your home. These may be physical spaces, categories of stuff, or collections of items that you usually find relatively easy to keep decluttered and organized. | Here are 4 Sweet Spots.
Bathrooms. Both are in maintenance mode. Easy to keep clean & find what we need. I regularly assess needs & declutter.
My car. Stays clean and organized.
Our Papers. We have a system that’s been working since 2016. Incoming papers, bill paying, file storage system, & Important Papers.
Email. I managing 4 accounts. Mine, Ours, Mom’s and Dad’s. I’ll be deleting Mom’s & Dad’s this year. As part of my morning routine - I do a daily clear out back to zero. Plus, an annual review and declutter of any saved emails in folders. I also manage photos on my iPhone and iPad daily as part of my morning routine. I need to up,upload a batch to my laptop. |
For any of the “sweet spots” you identified in your answer to the previous question, list factors that contribute to your ease in (or even enjoyment of) maintaining these areas. | Bathrooms. Over the years - we’ve made many decluttering rounds through these. And, continue to do so. We only keep what we use. And, we only keep enough. Everything has a place. We put things back in their place. Though, sometimes we may disagree on its place. We compromise on his hairbrush & scissors. Hub needs to SEE it. I need it put away. I put it away when we have company,
My Car. Everything I keep in my car - has a designated out-of-sight place. All purchases go straight into my trunk. I clean-out my car upon exit. I vacuum & wash it regularly. |
What’s an item or category of stuff that you feel as if you could never get too much of? | Cash? Can’t think of anything for which I need MORE. I’m still drilling down to find the sweet spot for how much is enough for each category. |
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