Survey #217 Response from Christine

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What daily (or frequent) chore would you like to wave a magic Clutter Fairy wand to remove from your routine?Financial paperwork. It is so depressing
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Your favorite organizing systems for spices, in a tiny kitchen. I do not have a spice drawer or cupboard that I can devote to just spices alone. I think the old way, having them on a rack on the wall works best.
Future topics

Collections. To me "Collections" (of anything, of any price, ) equal clutter. " Collections" seem to increase the value, to the owner, just because they are part of a collection. It seems an unusual endowment effect happens in the brain, when one starts thinking in terms of "collection", especially if it is an inherited collection, or one has collected it for a long time. It seems that the owner is not ever using their collection, but just likes to look at it. So a collection of pots and pans that are actually used, is different from a collection of stamps or coins. I think it is more difficult to part with a whole collection.

. When I visit a friend/relative, it is their "collection", that is the first thing they like to show me. I have been shown "collections" of shoes, toy trains, small toy soldiers, sport trading cards, theater playbills, porcelain figurines (Hummels), stamps, coins, crystal glasses, special dinner china.
I was wondering what are some of the "collections" Gayle and Ed have seen.

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