Survey #217 Response from A.G.

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Do you consider yourself a "morning person," a "night owl," or somewhere in between?Night owl
What are the trouble spots in your daily routine or your family’s routines? In other words, where do you find your habits and routines breaking down on a regular basis?Going to bed too late and, relatedly, not having enough time in the morning. I'm also useless and scattered and anxious if I'm in a rush so if I don't prep the night before I madly scramble in the morning.
What aspects of your home (the size, the layout, the contents, the organization of those contents, other household members, etc.) either contribute to or detract from your ability to cultivate and execute productive and useful routines?It's easier to get things done if hubby is in the headspace to do things or if he has done his part. It can really take the wind out of my sails if he's grouchy or hasn't done things it's his responsibility to do or that I wanted\needed his to do. I find the house just a little too small for easy cleaning. Small hard to sweep spots, not much space to maneuver myself or a vacuum, stuff like that. A minor renovation that made some small changes in layout and functionality (like an additional electrical outlet) have made a big difference in day to day living, and good organization of other spaces really helps.
What daily (or frequent) chore would you like to wave a magic Clutter Fairy wand to remove from your routine?If the dishes were all magically clean that would be sooo helpful. We're constantly drowning in them.
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