Survey #217 Response from Evelin

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Do you consider yourself a "morning person," a "night owl," or somewhere in between?Neither
What are the trouble spots in your daily routine or your family’s routines? In other words, where do you find your habits and routines breaking down on a regular basis?I suffer from depression and often have no energy to do what I had planned. It can happen at any time.
What aspects of your home (the size, the layout, the contents, the organization of those contents, other household members, etc.) either contribute to or detract from your ability to cultivate and execute productive and useful routines?There is too much stuff everywhere! I definitely have to get rid of a lot. My husband says it's all my stuff and I have to agree most of it is mine.
What daily (or frequent) chore would you like to wave a magic Clutter Fairy wand to remove from your routine?cleaning the toilet 😀
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