Survey #217 Response from Lisa

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Do you consider yourself a "morning person," a "night owl," or somewhere in between?Night owl
What are the trouble spots in your daily routine or your family’s routines? In other words, where do you find your habits and routines breaking down on a regular basis?I struggle with finding the energy to get chores done. I am exhausted almost all day, with a good window between 7pm & 9pm where I can get things done. That's when I get my dishes done, laundry done, etc. I wish I had a bigger energy window but I'm working with what I've been given. lol
What aspects of your home (the size, the layout, the contents, the organization of those contents, other household members, etc.) either contribute to or detract from your ability to cultivate and execute productive and useful routines?I live in a small house. It's a 3/2, 1000 sq ft, with the largest bedroom being 10' x 10' and the smallest bedroom is 6' x 9'. We have one tiny bathroom without much more than a tub/shower combo, a toilet and a sink with no vanity. We added one of those over the toilet shelves but I almost feel like it's just "another horizontal surface" and seems to get cluttered quickly with all of the hair and skin care products my 14 year old "needs."

My dining room table is right at the entrance of my house and everyone dumps everything on it as soon as they walk in the door. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to keep our table clear.

My daughter doesn't care about the clutter in the house, it's all she has ever known. My husband is easily annoyed by the clutter, as I am, but he, unlike me, won't do anything to help get rid of stuff.
What daily (or frequent) chore would you like to wave a magic Clutter Fairy wand to remove from your routine?Cleaning the bathtub!
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.No questions, just want to say thank for you everything you do.
Future topics

Passing on good decluttering habits to your children. (I seriously lack the ability to make the necessary decisions on getting rid of things. I've noticed my daughter is seriously lacking the skill too. Probably because she doesn't have a role model for decluttering.)

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