Survey #217 Response from April

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Do you consider yourself a "morning person," a "night owl," or somewhere in between?Morning person
What are the trouble spots in your daily routine or your family’s routines? In other words, where do you find your habits and routines breaking down on a regular basis?Im really good about getting the first 20 things done… before my morning shower. But the rest of the list is less critical- but they are the things I really want to build in, like the gym, physical therapy exercises and certain foods. About 75% of the time I just never get that far down the list. Yes, I could move them up on the list.. BUT things like feeding the dogs, washing dishes, yard work and maintenance cleaning would likely suffer. I think I need more energy. Time is not the problem since I work from home and have control over my schedule.. unfortunately there’s not much on my list that GIVES me energy- and I’m not sure what to add in, to get the boosts.
Oy… I’m probably depressed? Idk
What aspects of your home (the size, the layout, the contents, the organization of those contents, other household members, etc.) either contribute to or detract from your ability to cultivate and execute productive and useful routines?My plumbing is currently shot. So I’m essentially living van life in my house. Latest estimate was $17k. May as we’ll be a $million- I have a decent, albeit illegal system for draining water but the whole situation is an energy suck
What daily (or frequent) chore would you like to wave a magic Clutter Fairy wand to remove from your routine?It would be a toss up between dishes and mowing the yard
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Thanks for all the interesting topics you talk about! Can’t think of anything else to ask right now
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