Survey #219 Response from Teresa

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Describe an object, collection, or category of items that you’re keeping even though its value, desirability, and/or usefulness to you has significantly diminished over time.General category: Things I've decided to part with, but haven't found a disposal path I'm comfortable with.

I've moved many things on as Goodwill type donations, sold things at several consignment shops, given things to friends. But there are a few collections that are still around. Ex. I collected many sets of novelty salt and pepper shakers over the years. I've selected a subset that I'll keep and have them nicely displayed. I've sold some of the older more collectible ones, but still have many left.

I also have two sets of dishware - both pretty collectible and might be of interest to younger folks. I have other handmade pottery dishes I use every day and don't see replacing those with one of the two other sets.

I also have a collection of jewelry, costume, beads, etc that are maybe not nice enough to list individually online but are still pretty nice. I took photos of some and offered them to friend and family and some went that way. I'm taking some to consignment shops, but it's slow going. And I'm making some money off them, but likely not minimum wage dollars for the time I'm investing.
Explain your reason or rationale for keeping the thing(s) you described in your answer to the previous question.I've moved so many things on, but these collections seem harder to do. I have the space to store them right now (they are boxed and in the attic), so I'm focusing on all the easier things.

My rationale for call categories is the same - I don't see them as being really appropriate for Goodwill type places. If I pay a consignment percentage of 50-60%, it's hardly worth it. So there doesn't seem to be a good path to move them on, so I do nothing about them and focus on other things.

My thought process is sort of circular: The salt and peppers and costume jewelry/beads are individually not of much value, so not really ideal for online selling. I've brought some to a consignment shop and some did sell, but there are a lot of them. I've considered trying to go to a local flea market for one or two weeks and see how it goes. But the flea market costs $40 for a table and I'm not sure I really want to do a flea market. I have other things I could bring to sell, but then ask myself if they should just be donated and be done with it. So round and round it goes!

For the dishware, I'd like to find out if any friends or family are interested in them. It would need to be someone local, shipping would be difficult, If no one wants them, I think then I could pull a small number of pieces out to keep and then give away or sell the rest.

Note: Thinking this through while completing this survey, it points to just biting the bullet and trying the flea market while it's still in season. But even as I say that, I'm a bit resistant, not sure why. (Maybe 5 AM start time?)
What’s your favorite thing about summer? And what could you do this week to make more room in your life or your home for your summer fun?I like taking road trips (mostly day trips). Craft shows, fairs, other local events.

Thing to do: Keep my house clean and work consistently to keep clutter from building up again. I had house guests the last few days, so my house is unusually clean (for me, others might find fault!). I feel like I could tell folks they can stop by if I want to, which isn't always the case. And it feels good to be in the house and not see a lot of undone stuff. I feel I can take time to play or work on hobbies and not have that nagging "but I really should clean/declutter/etc)"

Another thing: my car has gotten kind of cluttered as well. I'd like to clean out the car and have it feel good when I get in it to go somewhere.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Do many of your clients have success getting rid of things by selling online, consigning, etc? I'm not talking a professional estate sale when downsizing or whatever, but people that are trying to do it on their own. Once you separate out the items that truly have value as individual items, do you recommend people just donate the remainder and move on?

I'm making money, maybe $50-$100 (for the sale of many small items) here and there. But it's a lot of work. I don't need to money to pay the electric bill, but who doesn't want a bit more money? I try to put all the money I get into one account and use it for hobby supplies (so it's a bit of a reward and doesn't just disappear into household expenses).

But still, I wonder (fairly constantly) if it's really worth it or if I should just donate most of it and be done with it? This takes me back to the flea market idea - give that a try for a week or two and then donate whatever's left.
Future topics

Not sure if it fits, but my first thought was "if you could give advice to your younger (acquiring) self, what would it be?" and how could you apply that advice to your current self?

Ex. I might tell my younger self to focus on creating a peaceful home environment, spend time on people and hobbies and using/managing the things I already own and to not always be shopping for more and overfilling the space I have. And even though my current self does WAY better at this, I still find myself scrolling through Etsy for more beading supplies (when I already have lots) or Amazon for that household item I "really need". So I still could apply this advice and work on using/managing things I already own.

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