Survey #219 Response from Gabriella

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Describe an object, collection, or category of items that you’re keeping even though its value, desirability, and/or usefulness to you has significantly diminished over time.- old computers
- old cell phones
- a shoe box full of cassettes
- two old cameras
- beautiful lace tablerunner that doesn't fit my style
- a small collection of fine italian leather gloves, which I find absolutely gorgeous, but which I don't wear because they don't fit my more down to earth style
Explain your reason or rationale for keeping the thing(s) you described in your answer to the previous question.- cell phones: intend to get rid of (my own)
- computers: can't get rid of as they are my boyfriend's who insists on keeping them
- I really like these gloves and find wearing elegant gloves something almost sensuous
- some of the cassettes contain some personal things; I want to find out what's on them, before destroying them
- intend to take the table runner to our second home in Morocco, where it fits the style of our formal living room
What’s your favorite thing about summer? And what could you do this week to make more room in your life or your home for your summer fun?long days and short nights, not being bundled up in layers of clothes
My home doesn't present a problem. I'm advancing beautifully toward my 2024 decluttering goals. Have already decluttered over 1000 items before June 30th. I'm now advancing to ldecluttring level 3.0 in convincing my boyfriend that his life becomes so much easier if he takes a few small steps in getting rid of Items he doesn't need (with me helping him).
I could enjoy this summer so much more though, if I stopped procrastinating on my work that has nothing to do with decluttering!
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I admire your ability to keep coming up week after week, with new aspects of decluttering - or new ways of presenting them. How do you manage to do that, besides picking up on topics that are relevant for listeners?
Future topics

Ways to reduce clutter, other than getting things out of the house.
I can think of a few ways:
- stop buying so much stuff
- saying no unwanted "gifts"
- unsubscribing from emails, etc.; in Germany it is possible to avoid (most) unwanted publicity in the mail, if you put stickers on your mailbox saying that you don't want it
- I define clutter as something that sits around in my home, even though I have no use for it. If for instance, I shop my own clutter stash and put some items to use, by definition they cease to be clutter (e.g. taking my grandmother's bowls in which she made cakes from scratch and setting it up on the kitchen window sill and using them as fruit bowls).
If I finish a UFO and then use and enjoy it, or I repair something, so that I can use it again, it is no longer clutter.

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