Survey #219 Response from Kathy

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Describe an object, collection, or category of items that you’re keeping even though its value, desirability, and/or usefulness to you has significantly diminished over time.Friends of mine and I had planned a trip to Italy which was canceled due to covid. I have two boxes containing items relating to the trip which I have saved these four years. We haven’t even talked about rescheduling the trip.
Explain your reason or rationale for keeping the thing(s) you described in your answer to the previous question.It’s my hope we will go on the trip eventually so I want to save the items to help plan.
What’s your favorite thing about summer? And what could you do this week to make more room in your life or your home for your summer fun?I like the flexibility and spontaneity of summer. I can keep up with the dishes and can keep the house straight (not perfect, just straight) so I don’t feel overwhelmed when I return home from doing fun things. I won’t feel the silent burden of the house nagging at me while I am out.
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