Survey #219 Response from Anonymous user

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Describe an object, collection, or category of items that you’re keeping even though its value, desirability, and/or usefulness to you has significantly diminished over time.Stuffed animals, children's toys. My toys from younger days, my 29 year Olds toys, and my now 8 yr old grand I haven't seen in a couple years.
Explain your reason or rationale for keeping the thing(s) you described in your answer to the previous question.They are keep sakes for mine, I kept some of my son's to have when nephews come over, and I pray my grand will come again some day.
What’s your favorite thing about summer? And what could you do this week to make more room in your life or your home for your summer fun?Get rid of huge piano left from mother in laws estate.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.In the middle of remodeling kitchen, and having a difficult time having storage for everything with no cabinets. I have dishes and pots and pans in the sink washed or in boxes.
Decluttered when our house was downsized by a family member's heavenly departure. Down sizing what the estate left and now looking forward to getting my own stuff out of storage. Ugh!
Future topics

Everything is sentimental. Even stuff that really shouldn't.
My mother and brother are "tossers" My sister, dad and I are "Savers". I've really gotten upset with the Tossers who just pick up stuff that belongs to someone else and hefts it to the trash. For example My electric dehydrator brother took to the dump..."You haven't used it in 6 months!"
We don't let him watch Hoarders or he becomes worse! He calls the rest of us Hoarders. He's definitely an extreme minimalist.
We are not hoarders, never had trauma to cause extreme either way.

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