Survey #221 Response from Michele

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Describe an item or collection in your home that represents something important about you or your life. The item(s) may be related to your history, your present life, or your dreams, goals, and desires for the future.Old family photos and cards from deceased grandparents. Pieces of jewelry , paintings.
Complete the following statement: “If I had to let go of ___________, it would feel like losing a part of myself.”Paperwork from current job... which i need to think about beginning to declutter as I hope to retire in ext 3yrs or so.
Imagine if a complete stranger walked through your home right now. How might that stranger describe the person or people who live in your space?She is a teacher who likes to keep teaching books or course material !
She has not kept up with the house as I am now caring for my mum and seem to be living out of bags as I shuffle items over and back from my house to hers!! ( including items to donate from mum which I need to take away asap to my hse before she changes her mind !
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I am dealing with my mum at the moment and starting to declutter with her as she has so much stuff. She has memory loss so often i need to make a call on what needs to go as she cant deal with getting rid of very much and she has a lot ! Just would like to hear if you have had experience of this. I am living closest to mum and keep my sisters in the loop about what I am donating etc. I suppose I do feel a little guilty about doing all this although i know it needs to be done. I also worry about keeping too much and that i am passing on to next generation who i donot think will be that interested in the stuff or family history.
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Firstly can i say how much I love listening to you both and often listen back on Youtube to previous episodes as I clean/declutter etc.I find it hard sometimes to let go of some items so am trying to put an actual post it with a date of 6months to a year on it. Then if I come across it and the time is up it must go! Anymore tips on those items that are hard " just in case i should keep it " etc. Clothes sometimes are hard especially if they dont fit maybe I should pack away and try again in a certain time frame?? As I start to consider retirement in next few years I would about moving on work related items/ work clothes and do not want to get caught with saving items to give to a person who will appreciate it. I am conscious of not throwing too much into landfill either. Sorry for rambling as I try to put systems in place.All advice welcomed. Thanks Gail and Ed.

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