Survey #224 Response from rowan

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Eyes on the Prize - keeping up the momentum on your decluttering project in the midst of life's constantly changing demands and priorities.

The Snowball Effect - Declutter one small area, see how wonderful that is and use this to propel you one to the next area. It is hard to feel anything except "time for a long vacation in Tahiti!" when faced with a home that needs a forklift to excavate, so don't wait to feel enthusiastic before you start.

It's a Never Ending Cycle - the myth that decluttering is a never ending cycle so why bother to start? In almost all cases, there is a first huge declutter, and then later one just takes a quick look every few months to see if there are some things to discard. And actually after making so many keep/toss decisions one starts to automatically notice when something is no longer beneficial (neither useful or beautiful).

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