Survey #224 Response from Eve

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What is your unique or unusual decluttering or organizing challenge? In other words, what collection, set of items, or area in your home presents organizing issues that most other declutterers probably never face?1. Work at home clutter
2. Husband retired from scientific career and cant let go of books, journals, equipment he will never use again
3. inherited items/sentimental clutter
4. Prepper clutter - fear of end of the world
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I am an overwhelmed breadwinner for my family and also care for disabled family member. Between work and family duties there is no time to address the clutter. What strategies can I employ to get my loved one to let go of career-related clutter -- a career that was left 16 years ago? Their identify is tied to these items even though they haven't been touched in years. There is also a fear that some of the items may be valuable and a fear of making a mistake by letting go of the items without receiving compensation for them.
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