Survey #229 Response from Jeanne

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Describe a popular myth or misconception about clutter or organizing that you believed in the past, but have now come to see as incorrect. Who or what changed your mind about this idea?I don’t need to declutter, I just need to get organized.
Describe a limiting belief about clutter or organizing that negatively affects your ability or willingness to address your home organization issues. This may be a belief that you inherited, picked up from popular culture, received from friends or family, or came up with all on your own!I won’t live long enough to get my home decluttered and organized.
I can’t declutter by myself
I’m too tired and feeble to declutter on my own
I can’t get rid of any of my crafts. Dishes and clothes are easy. My crafts are expensive and bring me joy.
I’ll never be able to declutter enough for my home to be easy to clean and keep tidy.
My son doesn’t want my stuff. But it’s too valuable, special, sentimental for me to get rid of it.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.How long will decluttering take for me? When will I see results? When will I feel better?
Future topics

Actually show me what a declutter session with a professional looks like.

Give me a realistic timeline for a cluttered home to get it looking somewhat normal with and/or without professional help.

What’s the biggest help that a professional gives us? Motivation? Focus? Physical help? Homework? Procedures? Charity drop off? Realistic goals?

How many hours does decluttering take for a room that is cluttered with things on the floor and on every flat surface. I’m moving too slow, seems to take weeks, not hours.

With things on surfaces and floors, how much do I need to get rid of? What should my goal be? 25%? 75% ?

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