Survey #229 Response from Erin G

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Describe a popular myth or misconception about clutter or organizing that you believed in the past, but have now come to see as incorrect. Who or what changed your mind about this idea?I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are asking about but...
I've learned it's ok to have times when the house is a bit more "dense" with items because of a specific project.
We are trying to be producers, not just consumers in our home so we have a lot on the go during the growing season. I now realize that when we are in production mode (ie: starting our garden plants indoors or harvesting and processing those veggies in waves over the summer) we have more temporary/active clutter (is that a thing?) in our living spaces.
Because it is so visually impactful to have all flat surfaces covered with tomatoes, for example, I used to chafe at the "clutter." But that kind of temporary item is not the same thing as old sporting goods jammed in the back of a closet for 5 years. 🙂 But it all used to get equal weight and stress me out.
Describe a limiting belief about clutter or organizing that negatively affects your ability or willingness to address your home organization issues. This may be a belief that you inherited, picked up from popular culture, received from friends or family, or came up with all on your own!oh boy. All of the above.
Sometimes I go into my room of doom and get so discouraged.
There is a constant OPPORTUNITY to reframe those negative thoughts.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I'm struggling to tackle an unfinished room that has become a default storage area for crafty bits, old art projects and memorabilia. (I recently put in a single bed to carve out a clutter-free area. My rule is: nothing gets stacked on the bed.)
I'd like to convert the room to a worker space and office.
However, it is located next to our dining and living space. But wouldn't you know it, as soon as I set up a sorting station in the living room and have started pulling out boxes, we get to host someone and back it all goes, out of sight (sometimes in more of a jumble than before depending on how much notice I have of my visitor(s).)
Rinse and repeat. It's getting frustrating.
Any advice welcome!
Future topics

Loved the most recent podcast on planning for downsizing. I tried to play it really loudly so my husband would hear it - especially the part about the garage! 🙂

Rural living can create its own flavour of clutter as space is less of an issue
Any thoughts on keeping a tidy and clutter free wood shop
Decluttering in flood prone zones
Digital clutter - how to not download and save the internet on your laptop
Photos - digital and physical (oh lord, the slides...)
I realize there could be some repeat with your archives.
Love your podcast and find all of your topics interesting!

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