Survey #229 Response from Linda

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Describe a popular myth or misconception about clutter or organizing that you believed in the past, but have now come to see as incorrect. Who or what changed your mind about this idea?“The best way to declutter is to pull everything out of a space at once.”

This doesn’t work for me. Things go better if I examine a space and try to pluck out things that I’m ready to part with and put those things in a box for donation or a bag for trash. Once I’ve pared things down, I may remove the stuff I’m keeping so that I can clean the shelf or drawer, but even then I wouldn’t pull it all out at once.
Describe a limiting belief about clutter or organizing that negatively affects your ability or willingness to address your home organization issues. This may be a belief that you inherited, picked up from popular culture, received from friends or family, or came up with all on your own!It is a catastrophe if I let go of something that would have been useful or helpful down the line.

Now I remind myself that I can probably figure out something else to use, do without or replace the item if needed.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Looking back, what would you tell your 20-something self about accumulating stuff?
Future topics

Not a topic suggestion, but a holiday reading suggestion to provide a change of pace from Dickens. I highly recommend A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote. Fruitcake plays a major role.

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