Survey #229 Response from PJ in Wiltshire

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Describe a popular myth or misconception about clutter or organizing that you believed in the past, but have now come to see as incorrect. Who or what changed your mind about this idea?"You're lazy and undisciplined if you have a messy house - everyone else can stay on top of things so why can't you?" I believed this for years, and I didn't know how to change it because it was overwhelming - then I discovered decluttering videos on YouTube! I've been watching ClutterFairy videos for years now - encouragement, support, and practical tips from lovely people like Gayle & Ed helped me tackle different areas over time, and now it's manageable and people actually compliment me on my home. I've always known it was wrong to make people feel small if they're overwhelmed by their home, but now I also know I'm not lazy (because I've made a difference - I just didn't know how to start before!).
Describe a limiting belief about clutter or organizing that negatively affects your ability or willingness to address your home organization issues. This may be a belief that you inherited, picked up from popular culture, received from friends or family, or came up with all on your own!"You'll never have a home as nice as those photos you see online." This is probably true, but now - having watched so many ClutterFairy videos - I know this is unrealistic anyway. Those influencers spend hours arranging a room, and only show it from one angle in the photo. They might have a team of people helping them. I just want a home that's clean, and warm, and welcoming, and low-maintenance. I have that - and I'm grateful. It's not Pinterest-ready, and that's ok.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I've just experienced the opposite of what you talk about in many videos - I've actually been lucky to upsize. I moved from a 45m square cottage to a 130m square apartment. The cottage was very cramped, and over 6 years there I donated or threw away half of my stuff, which I was really proud of. Now that I'm in the bigger place, I'm worried that I'll start to fill it up again. I have LOADS of space for new pot plants and bookcases... how can I keep a check on myself & keep the volume of stuff manageable?
Future topics

Do you have any tips on how to zone a big room? I've just moved & want to use the spare bedroom as a welcoming guest room but it's also got to be my craft room (I sew, quilt, and make jewellery) and a storage area for bits & bobs like out of season decor & things that used to live in the garage (I like to camp & hill-walk in the summer). Thanks! 🙂

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