Survey #225 Response from Heather

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Which of the following statements best describes your living situation?I live in a small home where limited space for living and storage tends to cause issues throughout.
Describe rooms or areas of your home in which the lack of available space makes living, storage, decluttering, and/or organizing challenging. Be as specific as you can.My studio apartment is 510 square feet, but only about half of that has space where you could put furniture or spread out anything to sort/declutter/organize it.

I have two closets: a small coat closet that doubles as my paper storage area and a walk-in closet (well, maybe not walk but take a couple steps) that thankfully is big enough to hold some small furniture pieces for storing items you would keep in a dresser.
Future topics

This week's topic is one I've been looking forward to. After watching various decluttering videos, I realize I don't really have a lot of stuff (excluding paper!). But my space still feels cluttered because it's so small.

For the future, how about motivation and tips for decluttering "historical" paper, especially when you don't have the space to spread a bunch of it out to sort through it? I manage paper that comes into my space on a daily basis fine; it's the paper from former jobs (not HR forms and the like but projects I worked on), academic degrees/thesis, cards and letters from years ago, etc. in boxes stuffed in my coat closet that do not bring me joy. And what are your alternatives to cardboard boxes and your systems for storing any of these papers you would keep? Plastic bins? Something else?

Thank you!

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