Survey #225 Response from Marsha

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Which of the following statements best describes your living situation?I live in a spacious home with plenty of room for living and storage.
Describe rooms or areas of your home in which the lack of available space makes living, storage, decluttering, and/or organizing challenging. Be as specific as you can.Paper Paper Paper Paper
Always Paper is my Problem
It’s not exactly that I don’t have enough space to hold it all it’s that I need more advice on how to get rid of more and need more ideas of how to stop it from coming in but I know you’ve had so many shows about this and believe me I am binge watching them all!

My house can’t hold all the paper
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.The reason I have so much paper is that my boyfriend of 20 years passed way and left me as executor! He hasn’t shredded anything in 30 years so I’m trying to honor his memory by disposing of the paperwork respectfully by going through it paper by paper and making sure it’s ALL shredded! Some is easy like old utility bills but some is so hard to know what to do with. Like his military records and evaluations and awards etc. He has no children to pass these documents on to! That would have made the task so easy! He has one sister age 89 who is struggling with her own paperwork so it seems unfair to send it to her. I’m 70 but in fragile health who knows how long I’ll have the capacity to deal with all this. (Starting Cancer treatment) So I’m trying to get it done as quickly as possible! I have two shedders going but I’m thinking about buying two more! Cause you know how quickly shredders burn out if you do to much at once so there is a lot of down time to let them cool down! Basically I stop after ten minutes of shredding but if I had 4 shredders then I could go for 20 minutes …. I know that sounds crazy but my friends think I should outsource the shredding but they want 200$ for like 10 boxes! I still have to look at every thing so I might as well spend the 200$ on shredders….

Your past episodes are telling me a lot but I think I’d really really really benefit from a Death Decluttering episode about now cause I’m feeling like I may not make it very long.

Luckily I’ve been a fan of yours since the bad audio days so my own home was almost at ground zero before he died and left me with this huge problem!!!!!

Photos are hard for me….
I still have to go through boxes and boxes of my own family photos and pair them down to pass them on to my one descendent! My nephew who has two children! Thank God for them! You’ve discussed this before but a current episode would be nice!!!!

I’m doing the keep toss (shred) step right now. Trying to just keep a sample to pass on to posterity so as not to overwhelm them with more than they need.

In Other Words Ed & Gail


Do you think I need a virtual session with you

I DO!!!!

Love You Both

Love Your Laughter
Future topics

Oh Dear
I put it in the survey
Basically a Death Declaring Session when there’s nobody who wants your stuff mainly paperwork

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