Survey #236 Full Response from Kat

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Describe a collection or category of items in your home that you’re worried might have crossed over into “too many” or “too much.”Fabric ( sew much fabric😜) and sewing supplies
patterns, zips, wool and craft stuff
For the category or collection described above, what factor(s) contribute to your assessment of the stash as excessive?I have a large room for sewing but there isn't room to move in there. Impossible to find a clear flat surface to cut fabric on.
For the category or collection described previously, what would you consider a reasonable limit? Your answer may take the form of a precise number, a volume of space, a budget, a time commitment, or any other metric that makes sense to you. Optional: Explain how you arrived at this answer.I don't know. I'm a hour or so drive away from the closest fabric store which doesn't always have the fabric or item i need. Maybe less fabric or a better system for storing. That doesn't cost money.
Describe something that you keep in your space because it reminds you of a better time in your life or a fond memory, even though you might otherwise consider it unnecessary or excessive.Fancy dress Sewing patterns from our comic,-con days.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.This is for those living in country areas where projects and everyday living can be left in limbo if you don't have the supplies on hand. If you need something you have a choice of having it posted (1 to 2 weeks plus) or driving $25 or more . I don't know how many times I've been stuck for weeks because I've run out of the right coloured thread, elastic or a sewing machine needle.
Which leads to 2 questions
How to deal with unfinished items/projects? And
How to deal with buying for future projects
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