Survey #236 Full Response from Gabriella

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Describe a collection or category of items in your home that you’re worried might have crossed over into “too many” or “too much.”I own at least 40 sweaters and cardigans, nearly all of them 100% natural fibers. I used to have even more, but I let go of 15 of them in the past year. I wear most of the ones that are left and enjoy doing so.
For the category or collection described above, what factor(s) contribute to your assessment of the stash as excessive?Even with 3 seasons allowing for at least light knitwear, I'd have a hard time wearing 60 sweaters per year.
I don't want to have a lot of things I don't use sitting around in my drawers and shelves.
For the category or collection described previously, what would you consider a reasonable limit? Your answer may take the form of a precise number, a volume of space, a budget, a time commitment, or any other metric that makes sense to you. Optional: Explain how you arrived at this answer.My containers in my Berlin and Tangier homes can easily hold the sweaters I'm keeping, especially since I gave away a substantial number. I keep on curating though, because I feel that I still own more than enough. Besides, I've begun to add to the collection by using up my yarn stash knitting new ones. Transforming my yarn into sweaters does not increase the net inflow into the overall container that is my home, however.
Describe something that you keep in your space because it reminds you of a better time in your life or a fond memory, even though you might otherwise consider it unnecessary or excessive.A growing collection of sea shells, that my partner and I pick up and give to each other on our wonderful walks on the beach. It's one of our precious little rituals that we don't intend to give up.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.What would be adequate definitions of "clutter" and decluttering?
A. Are items that are sitting on surfaces in a disorderly manner clutter - even though they are being used frequently?
B. How about non-sentimental Items that are well sorted, stashed away in their designated place, in moderate quantity, but are never used?
C. How about 15 spatulas that are all in use and otherwise neatly stowed away in a designated drawer in an ample kitchen that offers more storage space than is needed?
D. In a recent video Dana K. White defined unfinished projects as clutter and finishing the projects as acts of decluttering (provided they and all the tools and materials involved are subsequently put in their proper place). Is she making an important point?
E. Can a definition of "decluttering" extend beyond getting something out of the house? I consider putting an item to use that has until now been sitting around as an act of decluttering. The item is no longer clutter if it is being used. In 2023 I thus "decluttered" six UFO knitting projects that had been in limbo for years into garments that I enjoy wearing.... and I'm not just a little proud of it :o)
Future topics

The questions I asked in this survey would be on my wish list of topics: Decluttering - beyond the obvious

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