Survey #240—Full Response from Jill

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Complete the following statement: “What I wish people could understand about my struggle with clutter and disorganization is _____.”That who I am and where I came from are important to me, part of my identity. My ancestors struggled to make a good life, faced heartbreaks, and I want to honor those.
Describe an area or aspect of your life or home in which you are already sufficiently organized.The bathroom has sufficient storage for our needs-3 nice deep drawers, under sink cupboard and a linen closet. I have pared down the number of towels and grooming products that will fit and are easy to take out and put back away so things are not left out. There is sufficient lighting and heat, and the surfaces are fairly easy to clean and keep clean.
Describe something that you’re happy to leave behind in 2024 and something you’re looking forward to making a part of your life in 2025.There were so many repairs that needed my attention the first two summers after I retired. Now that I have a handle on those, I am ready to renew old connections to people, improve those that I currently have, and make new ones.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I have five bookcases full of books in my office that is a little over 7 x 9 feet. I want to create visual simplicity by removing the dust jackets and arranging them by color, but I have them arranged by topic now and can pretty much go to any book I own. I declutter them more or less monthly, but how else can I create visual simplicity in my bookcases?
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Workshop or maintenance area for women to use who have their own power tools, maintain home equipment or do home repairs. What if there's only room for the woman to use the man of the house's area? How can they peacefully coexist in this area?

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