Survey #240—Full Response from Anastasia
Pronouns | She/her |
Complete the following statement: “What I wish people could understand about my struggle with clutter and disorganization is _____.” | Clutter & disorganization takes years off your life. It wastes valuable time, minutes & hours each day (i.e. looking for things, replacing items that you need and can't find, making tasks longer because sometimes you have to move things before you can get to the thing you need to work on.) Living or working in a cluttered space is like running with your shoes tied together. |
Describe an area or aspect of your life or home in which you are already sufficiently organized. | I'm not quite there yet. I'm the only person in my family and extended family that declutters. So it often feels like building a sandcastle. I make progress in one area or room, only to find that when I come back - the tide ( my family) has washed it away. |
Describe something that you’re happy to leave behind in 2024 and something you’re looking forward to making a part of your life in 2025. | I'm looking forward to implementing more structure in 2025. I recently read The 12 Week Year and I am looking forward to using this method to accomplish more. |
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode. | The topic of "death cleaning" comes up often. I am a Realtor and have helped a lot of families sell their homes after a loved one has passed. In many cases the loved one was a hoarder. Many times the family has to pay a junk removal company to remove the majority of the contents. Which in our area ( NYC ) costs about $7K to $15K depending on the size of the property. Also, houses with clutter tend to sell for less money. Its a huge burden for the family. Many times they have to wait for after closing to pay that bill. I believe it is our responsibility to leave behind as little clutter as possible. |
Future topics | Decluttering for young families- especially young families that live in small spaces. |
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