Survey #240—Full Response from Kristin
Pronouns | She/her |
Complete the following statement: “What I wish people could understand about my struggle with clutter and disorganization is _____.” | I have an internal struggle with letting go of things. My father grew up poor and at in a depression era, so he saved everything and was very frugal. So much so that my mother would complain that he “stepped over dollars to pick up pennies” meaning he was too cheap for his own good. My mother on the other hand is a spender and accumulator. She does not have any issue getting rid of stuff but always seems to have an overstuffed apartment. So I grew up with both sides of the coin but both still having too much stuff. So I struggle with letting things go because I don’t want to be wasteful or constantly replace items, but at the same time I do not want an overstuffed home. I tend to have clear living areas but storage places (garage, closets, and cabinets) are stuffed to the gills. |
Describe an area or aspect of your life or home in which you are already sufficiently organized. | my files on my computer |
Describe something that you’re happy to leave behind in 2024 and something you’re looking forward to making a part of your life in 2025. | I am happy to leave behind guilt and this nagging feeling like I am letting people down. I am looking forward to focusing on my many strengths and positive attributes which far exceed any shortcomings I have |
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode. | what is the best way to start decluttering when there isn't one specific area but rather just all over the home. I wouldn't say my home is stuffed, and the mess is generally contained in storage spaces. I would say it maybe needs to be reduced by 20% to feel more "breathable". |
Future topics | paper is my greatest downfall |
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