Survey #240—Full Response from Anonymous user

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Complete the following statement: “What I wish people could understand about my struggle with clutter and disorganization is _____.”Answer to second question: I always tell people how long it takes to declutter when it's important to you to find the right people or organizations who will take and appreciate what you want to get rid of. It's true it's never too early to start decluterring.
Describe an area or aspect of your life or home in which you are already sufficiently organized.I appreciate the fact our entryway is quite functional: easy to put things away in their proper place and no one ever asks "Have you seen my keys?" 🙂
Describe something that you’re happy to leave behind in 2024 and something you’re looking forward to making a part of your life in 2025.I have made a pact with myself in 2024 that I would no longer do any cleaning tasks unless my husband was in the house. This way at least he'll appreciate what I do instead of ever telling me again he "cleaned the entire kitchen" (aka loading the dishwasher). In 2025, any alone time I have in the house I will spend doing things I enjoy and not perform invisible labor.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.This is a story about the importance of maintenance and being realistic about leaving things unused. Your lastest background with wristwatches reminded me that I once wanted to give away 2 pretty watches I was no longer wearing. I went to the jewerly store to purchase new batteries and when the clerk opened my watches, we realized both their batteries had leaked and the watches were no longer usable... I was about 10 years late in making that decision and then those watches went straight into a garbage can.
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