Survey #241—Full Response from Julie

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How often are you troubled by clutter in the kitchen and/or pantry?My kitchen is often out of control.
What sources of clutter or specific issues do you experience in the kitchen or pantry?My big kitchen island is a catch all for EVERYTHING. A landing place for all things coming and going from the house. I rent my mom's house and I live alone, so I'm not pressured to keep the place tidy. I have good intentions and often attack the clutter and love the clean surface. But stuff piles up again especially when I'm tired and/or focused on other areas of the house.
What organizing solutions or strategies have you tried or used in the kitchen, and how have they worked—or failed to work—for you?I have downsized kitchenware and cookware in cabinets and cupboards over the three years I have lived in the house.
After Christmas, I gave away dozens of glassware items. Fun fact-I used the wrapping paper from the family gift exchange to wrap the glassware for donation. I turned the wrapping paper inside out, and attached a note saying "This is not Christmas glassware" just in case.

Then I decluttered Christmas kitchenware that I realized I no longer need. I follow Gayle's advice and put a box to donate NEXT year in the garage by the Halloween decorations.

I went on a "buy nothing" food mission to use up canned items, only bought fresh greens to accompany my soup and chilli.
What “one-trick pony” resides in your kitchen or pantry? Why do you keep it?I have a mustard colored circa 1970's fondue pot I will never part with. Long after I left for college, my dad put it in a white elephant gift exchange (as a joke) at a party. When I found out, I was so upset that he went and got it back from the couple who got it at the party.

Fondue made a comeback in the late nineties and I was all over it. I'm waiting for the next wave of fondue-mania.

In the mean time-a "fond" memory of my dad.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I'm curious what percent of your clients struggle with ADD. I believe my ADD is a huge factor in my cluttered life. I'm 66 years old, and realized I have ADD when my son was diagnosed. It was truly life changing to learn that I wasn't broken or incompetent. Going on a very small dose of ADD meds has made a difference. It is not magic, many behaviors are ingrained. Discovering Ed and Gayle was the best thing that could have happened along my journey. Thanks to you
I'm making progress.
Future topics

If it burned up in a fire, would I miss it?

The fires in LA have prompted me to think about what I really would miss if it was gone.

I'm renting my mom's house since she moved into the senior living community 3 years ago at the same time my long marriage ended. I'm surrounded by dozens of boxes of photos, photo albums, yearbooks back to 1929, framed photographs, slides, slide projectors, cameras and camera equipment, etc.

To my siblings, this stuff is out of site, out of mind. I have it consolidated to one room, but the garage is packed with more. I can't get my car in the garage, I have nowhere for my sewing supplies and office.

I have zero motivation to scan, sort, cull or even look at this stuff. I thought I did, but I only have so much time and energy. I just retired and I find joy in my volunteer work, reading, playing tennis, spending time with friends and family. And oh yes, I'm writing a book.

Dreaming of dumpsters.

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