Survey #241—Full Response from Peggy

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How often are you troubled by clutter in the kitchen and/or pantry?It’s an occasional problem.
What sources of clutter or specific issues do you experience in the kitchen or pantry?I let my herbal tea collection get out of control (too much buying and not enough using haha). I recently organized the tea collection to put the oldest in front so they will get used up first. I also "decanted" them from the tea boxes so they would take less room. We have already made good progress in using them up but we still have too much.
What organizing solutions or strategies have you tried or used in the kitchen, and how have they worked—or failed to work—for you?I have been working on getting rid of anything expired and also any foods that I realize we never use. This frees up room for the stuff we actually use.
What “one-trick pony” resides in your kitchen or pantry? Why do you keep it?This type of item (looking at you Cherry Pitter) is offloaded to a small box in the garage for the rare instance we might need any of it.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.How have your lives changed as a result of your own decluttering efforts?
Future topics

How reducing consumption (gifts given or received, clothing, household items, etc) can effect the environment / climate change. (side note: everyone coming for my gas car and appliances but still buying loads of plastic for holidays... while I buy nothing and receive nothing for all holidays - by choice)

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