Survey #242—Full Response from Anonymous user

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Please read the two statements below, then answer the questions that follow.I want to believe I can do B! I’m not there yet. But I want to put in every effort this year
Please read the two statements below, then answer the questions that follow.I am A to the MAX! It’s hard for me to get started and not get interrupted
Please read the two statements below, then answer the questions that follow.B for sure. I have a few pieces I inherited and love them. I feel so connected to them, especially if I never knew them
Please read the two statements below, then answer the questions that follow.I am more A, but leaning towards B
Please read the two statements below, then answer the questions that follow.I’m closer to B. I don’t have items that are so costly. We just donated furniture, which was great (once they came)! ( they were delayed picking up for two weeks)
Write a statement that summarizes your current mindset with respect to the decluttering and organizing journey.I have a LOT to declutter. I do plan to make a special effort this year. I am embarrassed if we have anyone come downstairs (such as the furnace guy).
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.One of these days I will think of something
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