Survey #243—Full Response from CHRISTINE

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If you shop in thrift stores, resale shops, charity stores, pawn shops, or other sources of second-hand goods, what kinds of things do you look for? Are there any categories of items that you would ONLY buy used? Any categories of items that you would NEVER buy used?BEDBUGS ! bedbugs can easily hide in all upholstery fabrics, clothing, purses, shoes, books, luggage. and even in the joints of wood furniture.. It is a complete health and home disaster when bedbugs enter your home. The only materials safe from bedbugs are hard, clean materials like plastics, metals, glass/ceramics.
So I do not shop at thrift stores, as I do not want to bring bedbugs into my home.
but I have donated metal pot racks, lamps , dishes, and plastic furniture to thrift stores.
I have even donated a lot of wood furniture to thrift stores, which did not have bed bugs in them
If you’ve ever completed a major decluttering project, have you experienced re-cluttering anxiety afterwards? Please describe your experience and how you’ve tried to manage this feeling.Zero anxiety. But when I do re clutter, I am aware of it, I address it immediately. Maybe because it was so much work and time to declutter (with a bad foot for a year, etc). I NEVER want to have to declutter certain areas , ever the whole basement.
How often do you deep-clean your kitchen, going above and beyond whatever daily or several-time-a-week routines you maintain?At least once a year
What routines or habits have been useful to ensure that your kitchen is always clean?My kitchen is never 100%"clean". I prep, freeze and cook mostly fresh food., especially if there is a sale on organic, fresh vegetables, So my kitchen is in operation, most of the day. I cook all my meals from scratch, because I am on a strict vegetarian, organic fresh food diet., So my kitchen is usually messy, but not dirty. Thoroughly , cleaning the kitchen sink every night. before I go to bed, is an area I have been working on improving. And also emptying the dishwasher right away. I think the kitchen is the one room in my home that is a trade-off. I can spend my limited time maintaining a very clean kitchen. Or I can spend my time preparing extremely healthy meals. And just get around to cleaning the messed on areas of the kitchen as needed.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Gayle I would love to hear more stories about how you organize your new home. did you get the closets professionally done?
Future topics

"Downsizing" and shrinking all the smaller categories.
I " downsized" my office supplies... to fewer, better supplies. Like just having the same "better quality " pens and paper in ever room. instead of a mish-mash t of junky pens and paper.
Also, I was able to "shrink" medical supplies, and cosmetics, from a whole drawer, down to one small plastic shoe box..just by using up the excess first.
I was able to shrink my greeting card supplies, by giving up on making my own cards..and just buying inexpensive greeting cards.
What seems to be working is...."if I can fit it into one small , clear, stackable plastic shoe box...then the shoebox is my limit. " It helps greatly that I already have the image of that small shoe box in my mind.
some categories that I can downsize, from a whole drawer, into one and only one shoe box are:
small office supplies, medicines, medical supplies, makeup, small electronic cords, sewing supplies,

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