Survey #247 results

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Name (click to view full survey response and comments)Please select the statement that BEST describes your paper backlog.Please select the statement that BEST describes your ongoing relationship with incoming paper.Describe the types or categories of paper clutter that you find the most challenging.Please complete one or more of the following statements:
Anonymous userI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Papers that I think I must keep for a time, like taxes, etc. Hard to purge sentimental paper.I was confident that I could get rid of something.
Tracy LeeI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up indefinitely.To do, To file To send, To respond, To pay, To sort.
THEN lol... There is the junk journal project piles & New home moving & design piles.
THEN there is the LISTs Diy home list Home repair list, Birthday gift list, Design list, Podcast list, Best Music list, Chores list, Medication list, Meditation list, there is even a green hue paint list.
because I dont tend the time needed to control
I dont have a system that i feel is workable
It makes me feel I cant find what i need
SunnyI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Photos! I was the Fotomat Queen for years and I always got double prints so I could give duplicates to friends and family. I have Rubbermaid tubs filled with photos (most organized by year) and lots of photo albums with pictures that are starting to fade. I tend to feel very sad looking at them as many people in the snapshots have died. Plus the additional paper clutter just adds to my feeling of dispair!I struggle with paper clutter because I don’t have a system for dealing with it.

I would have an easier time managing paper if only I had an easily system that I can stick with.

The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel awful—overwhelmed, upset, and embarrassed. I stash papers in drawers before company comes over!
SusanI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Probably the things I am interested in, but find I don't have the time to dedicate, but hold on to it anyway until MONTHS have passed!"I would have an easier time managing paper if only" ... I was always able to follow through, but am usually interrupted and need to come back to it, breaking my rhythm.
TracyI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Interesting junk mail, reports, offers or statements, on pretty paper in fancy envelopes, & LOTS of notes I've taken that... I'd like to respond, look up online, use in my own projects, or tell my best friend. Many failed systems to sort or contain.
I's always about 'down the road'. Now my circumstances have changed & my down the road has narrowed & has become time sensitive. I need help.
I have no system
Makes me feel anxious
Anonymous userI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Sometimes my categories are too broad so theres a lot of paper in files. These are related to house, insurance, car, health etec etc. Then.... in my job as a teacher I have a wide selection of age groups to cover so I tend to keep that at home and in school ! Send help....pleaseI struggle with paper because i am working and main carer for my mum so am between 2 houses and am not in my own house enough to deal with on a regular basis.
I would have a better time dealing with it if I had more time in my own house to sort etc.
The accumulation of paper makes me feel stressed as i am usually organized.
JeanI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Medical statements of benefits are irritating!Bills remind me that I desire buckets of cash!!
Julie DevineI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Legal documents, old medical records. "People" paperwork like yearbooks, kids' team rosters and programs from their plays and concerts.

It would be an overwhelming job to scan it all. Especially because I can't feed it into the scanner, everything is a different size.
I struggle because 75% of it is my mother's, which stayed in her house (I'm renting) when she moved to senior living. If only my mom hadn't kept EVERY PIECE OF MAIL AND PAPER.

I would have an easier time if I set aside small chunks of time, or take a pile into another room where the rest isn't staring me down from the file boxes.

The accumulation makes me anxious and resentful, and then I feel guilty for feeling resentful.
It is not fun to sort.
Anonymous userI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Medical and financialI struggle with paper clutter because I didn't know what to do with it, and now I have a huge pile, even though I have sorted quite a bit The accumulation of paper makes me feel burdened.
AlanaI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Letters, pictures, stuff I'm gonna read, items I'm "gonna mail to a relative, or friend", sentimental esp of son who died 2023 - sympathy notes.I struggle with paper because I love it all. Every sweet sentiment I want to savor and remember. Notes from my children or family or friends. Maybe I'm gonna use tidbits to write back, to scrapbook, or maybe even write a book about our family's sudden loss in 2023 of our 25 yo healthy/accomplished/joyful son who suddenly died while hiking. Some is grief, but actually ironically it was this son who was tackling the garage overhaul who sat me down on our porch a few years ago with homeschool boxes found in the garage of my now grown children. I was able to toss the basic math papers and daily notebooks - to cut the volume by more than 1/2. Needless to say any creativity of the children was saved and I was thankful to find this son's journal in the drawer he had left it in years before. It had never even made it to the boxes in the garage. This son helped me make headway by empowering me - not criticizing, but rather helping me to make the time and space to do so. I was outside on a beautiful June day. Not holed away alone struggling with the piles.

I just read "Good Bye Things". It was either there, something you mentioned, or elsewhere I heard if my affirmation was academic as a growing kid (yes school, sitting at desks, and doing what teachers asked came easily). About the only thing I remembered my alcoholic father praising me for or noticing was that my name was in the newspaper for honor roll in high school. This was good for me to hear - I get overwelmed with all the stuff I want to read (thankful here to love libraries).

On top of all of this I'm super frugal (never had much as a kid) and a recycler. A nice picture from say a calendar can be folded and made into an envelope or nonsentimental greeting cards can be used for children's collages.

I would have an easier time managing paper if there was less.

Having the accumulation of paper makes me feel tied down - I want to be outside managing our woodlot, gardening, hiking, or with children and granchildren out of town.

Our house affairs are mostly organized and filed. Every year or two we toss the nonpertinent medical/retirement info/etc. Approx. half of the bills and statements are online. Honestly our deceased son's affairs (house/utilities/mortgage/inherited IRA) have no home and is in an organized pile on the floor of our bedroom.

Our son would want me free. He would want me to lean on my husband to give me peace of mind.
JoannI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Unfortunately the clutter is not even organized by category or in any other way
It's overwhelming
I struggled managing it for just me, then a few years ago I had to start managing my mother's as well, and spending more time in general for her care. The backlog has become overwhelming, but I'm doing better at managing the current items (but not perfect by any means).
All the paper makes me feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, and stuck. I'm unable to decide where to start.
Anonymous userI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Job related, Magazines, Mailmakes me feel upset with myself.
DolceI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Bills, bank statements, legal paperwork, medical files, family wills and trusts, funeral paperworkI struggle because I don't know what to keep and how long to keep. I can easily purge junk mail, but business, medical and legal documents stump me
GingerAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.None now.
▪️ I used to struggle with what to do with the incoming paper after I processed it. Could I throw it away? What if I needed to refer to my notes about payment or conversation I had with the company. I always write these notes in the paper. Clearly I was dealing with a risk:comfort issue.
▪️I decided for all the papers for the year - we’d keep them for a full year. I hate filing - especially something I’m keeping temporarily. So, I don’t file them. I stack them in a basket. At the start of a new year - I add a cardboard divider and start stacking the current year papers on top. At the end of the current year - I shred/trash the older year. Move the cardboard on top and keep going.
I NO longer struggle with paper. I’ll share our system. In use since 2016.
✔️1. Strip the mail daily. Don’t let it pile up. It takes 1-2 minutes.
✔️2. Designated day/time to handle desk work. For me: Wednesday.
✔️3. Decide what to keep and for how long.
✔️4. Keep Important Papers together for quick, easy retrieval & portability.
✔️5. Paperless billing as much as possible.
✔️6. Automatic payments as much as possible with monitoring.

▪️All mail, flyers, receipts, etc. comes to the kitchen table. When I see it there - I strip it. Any papers needing action or filing - are placed in my active file to handle on my desk work day.

🔳 ACTIVE FILES (hangs on kitchen wall)
▪️I do desk work on my kitchen table.
✔️1. Action/To Do - processed on my weekly desk work day
✔️2. Tax Docs - collected throughout the year
✔️3. Receipts - Current Year in zippered pouch

▪️We decided to keep the following.
✔️1. Medical Procedures.
✔️2. Dental Procedures (major).
✔️3. Health Insurance Information.
✔️4. Keepsake Papers.
✔️5. Automobile manuals.
✔️6. Old Loan Papers (Personal Risk/comfort thing).
✔️7. Property Appraisals & Improvements. (Deeds are in Important Papers)
✔️8. Tax Returns - recent 3 years. Archive: All other prior years are stored in a bin on a shelf in my studio. Personal Risk/Comfort = We Keep all.
✔️9. File Basket holding prior year and current statements & papers. It sits in the file drawer with a divider between the two years. At the end of the current year - I go thru the stack and toss them. Move the divider to the top of the stack and start piling on new incoming papers. I hate to file. So I don’t. Chances are we won’t need any of these papers. But, we have peace of mind in case we might.

🔳 IMPORTANT PAPERS BINDER w/table of contents
▪️We choose to keep these all together.
✔️1. Vital and Identification Docs (Birth, marriage, divorce, social security cards, copy of drivers license)
✔️2. Insurance (policies for life, health, home, automobile, boat owners)
✔️3. Property (property deeds, vehicle titles and home inventory)
✔️4. Financial Records (Financial Profile listing all accounts, etc.)
✔️5. End of Life Docs (will, medical POA, physician directives, burial instructions, info for obits, family ancestry charts, people to contact)
✔️6. Access Information (user names and passwords)

🔳 HOME MANAGEMENT BINDER w/table of contents
▪️This reference manual explains how we manage our home. Includes a general narrative, information about how we handle finances, care for our home, pay our bills, home maintenance, vehicle maintenance, emergency procedures, etc. We developed this to help each other understand how to handle things we each did around the house.

🔳 PROJECT ORGANIZER - spiral 24 poly slash pocket.
▪️We collect those loose papers we seem to accumulate while researching and working on projects for the year. I keep a table of contents in front. I declutter it at the start of a new year.
Anonymous userI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.ArticlesI can’t decide what to get rid of
MichelleI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Work related training manuals - although I have just had a massive purge.
Things that look important but probably aren't , but I save anyway. I need a further purge of these.
Things I think are interesting to read later, but have purged a lot.
I would have an easier time managing paper if there was a reduction in the incoming volume.
SuzanneI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Health insurance and income tax papers are years behind.I would have an easier time managing paper (I will) once I have more of the house decluttered as I need space to work on it. That’s a few months away.
PattiI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.I have several categories of paper clutter, causing issues. I have a couple of hanging file drawers, which have things organized, but contain a lot of old, out-of-date information. I have multiple file boxes full of old tax returns, old paperwork from old projects and old jobs, etc. I have the paperwork that I put in a box on my desk “to be filed,” which piles up fast. And then finally, I have the daily/weekly paperwork which piles up on the surface of my desk.I struggle with paper clutter because I haven’t set aside time to go through it. I would have an easier time managing paper if I set aside some regular intervals for managing it. The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel like I’m drowning!
AnjaI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Tax papers, bills, bank statements, insurance papers...I struggle with paper clutter because I feel easily overwhelmed by it and that is due to me having little energy at my disposal. I get tired quite quickly. And also paper is soooo boring and takes so much time to handle.
JohannaPaper covers my house like snow, and I’ve totally lost control of the problem.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up indefinitely.E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!! Except for advertisements or coupons that have expired (my low hanging fruit).
The worst is financial things. I have lost a lot of money because I did not take care of things on time and I have no overview about my expenses and therefor live in constant fear of not having enough money despite my very modest lifestyle.
I struggle with paper clutter because my mom worked in an insurance office and always told me "I'll take care of (this form, statement, bill...), you don't know how to do it anyway" for as long as I can remember. When I moved out and got married, I couldn't even fill out a check and had extreme anxiety around any kind of paperwork. A few years later my husband and I were sewed for something we didn't do and I was able to prove that we were innocent with all the paper that I had kept because I didn't know what needed to be filed and what could be discarded. Now I still dread it and I always think in the back of my mind "What if I need this piece of paper to prove that...?" It's bizarre...
I would have an easier time managing my paper if only I could accept the fact, that less than perfect is ok. I don't have to be able to find every piece of paper within seconds, I am allowed to struggle with filling out a form, I can ask for help if I need to write a letter...
The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel like a failure, lazy, disorganised, anxious, powerless, horrible.
EmI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Paper that proves my history is a big problem. Online records are purged too soon to suit me and there are many papers that I have needed years later. Many papers I keep because they are reminders of what I have accomplished and experienced.

My biggest pile of paper is what I found by accident, then being told by police detectives to sort through it for them for clues that could help solve a mystery. It's three banker boxes full.
I struggle with paper clutter because I fear losing my history. I did not have a camera for most of my life, so papers are all I have to remind me of many events. I also struggle with paper clutter because I see craft potential for so much of it.

I would have an easier time managing paper if only someone would sit beside me and reassuringly tell me, one by one until I get the hang of it, which papers can be thrown in the trash, which ones must be shredded, and how to manage the ones that should be kept. Although I don't subscribe to magazines, throw away ads, and pay bills when they enter the house, I still have paper clutter because, clearly, I don't know how to manage it. I depend on paper bills because I am afraid I will miss a payment if I don't get a physical reminder.

The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel inept.
AngelPaper covers my house like snow, and I’ve totally lost control of the problem.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Medical bills and 401k/investment communication.* I pile it as "action" pile, but never got around to the action.
* Still trying to deal with piles of paperwork from the past 25 years as well as current piles.
* overwhelmed
EvelinI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Anything with personal information on it.
Paper that is still sitting on my desk because I'm waiting for a response or further information. I don't want to put it away and forget about it.
Actually I'm doing quite well.
Anonymous userPaper covers my house like snow, and I’ve totally lost control of the problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.I didn't set up a file system and the backlog is enormous. Unfortunately it is a big, unpleasant job so I don't seem to get to it. I would send it all to shredding but fear that important papers are mixed in everywhere. (What was I thinking??? when I let the slip).I struggle with paper clutter because I haven't really figured out a workable system (even after all these years).

I would have an easier time in managing paper if only I set up a good enough way of managing and organizing it going forward.

The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel inefficient and overwhelmed.
Anonymous userPaper covers my house like snow, and I’ve totally lost control of the problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Magazines and newsletters from organizations that either I’m a member of or send donations to.The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel out of control and like a hoarder.
SandraAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Recipes! I am now working on eliminating 8 ring bingers full of "to try" recipes, either by cooking those I really really wanted to try or simply purging recipes that I clipped and filed without putting in too much thought about them. Down to 5 binders now so... 10 more years to go?I struggle with paper clutter because many come with memories or good intentions, or I know they'll take up of lot of my time to sort or deal with.
DianeI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.I manage my mother’s papers and my own There is always some tasks with the mail to do - it isn’t just pay a bill and file.
What gets me is the random stuff I have to do and follow up on.
And all the random notifications. Plus I’m in and out of the house so dropping paperwork in my and my mom’s in boxes.
seems to be piling up with random stuff that’s good information but not sure what to do with it
I do our own paperwork and my mom’s so I’d manage paperwork better if I could sit in one place for a couple hours and not have to run off and do something else. It seems I’m able to come close to getting something done and it’s time to go
JMI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Notes I've taken for memory jogs, tracking whatever I'm working on or am interested in at the moment, writing and teaching ideas, books I'm reading, research I'm doing for a myriad of home and work projects, complicated to do lists and misc pieces of paper associated with things I need/want to think about do, or keep track of.I would have an easier time managing paper if only I had a reliable memory.
KathyAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Special, unique items (old yearbooks, photos, etc.) that I want to scan and digitize have been piling up for a long time. I have a hard time motivating myself to sit and scan. (Even as I'm typing this, I'm realizing I should just break the task down into short time periods weekly or monthly.)
LelaI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Medical paperworkI would have an easier time managing paper if only someone else would manage it for me!
HawthorneI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Sentimental papers such as my child's schoolwork. I have a place for it, but it's starting to fill up...I would have an easier time managing paper if I was the only one who had to make decisions about it. My partner also gets equal say (naturally) in what papers stay and they like to hold onto quite a bit more than I do
CynthiaAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.ReceiptsI just don’t want to do it.

It would be easier to do it if I did it right away.

The paper that comes in makes me frustrated because I know it can easily get out of control.
KarlaI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Insurance policy information as I have many different policies. I need to purge the pile that is starting to build upI set aside time to shred the paper from all the Medicare Supplement offers I am receiving. My husband and I turned 65 this month.
GabriellaI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.I have the habit of taking notes on a lot of different subjects on random pieces of paper that ambulate around my desk area, until I sort and file them.I keep notes of things I am learning or interesting or useful information in a pretty disorderly manner. Often notes on subjects that have nothing to do with each other are on a same page or in the same notebook.

If paper accumulates, it makes me feel wonderful each time I get rid of some or all of it. I do this every few months or so.

Incoming mail is no problem. I've been able to take care that I get very little mail in the first place (no subscriptions, digital communication whenever possible). The sparse amount of mail I receive, I open immediately, toss whats not important, throw in a container whatever needs to be processed and immediately file whatever should be kept but doesn't need further processing. The whole procedure takes a few minutes only.
CynthiaI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.I struggle because I keep too much of it too long.
Anonymous userI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up indefinitely.Medical billsI struggle with paper clutter because I have to make decisions about what to do with it.
CeeI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Home owner(mortgage related) and improvement papers, mortgage related including changes of mortgage holder companies, retirement account statements, Paperwork ( pared down) of deceased parents and grandparents. Plan to only keep long enough to make sure everything is properly settled.Accumulation of paper makes me feel Overwhelmed.
I struggle with paper clutter because I'm afraid I will need something I declutter or shred.
Would be much easier if I had a proper system to keep bare minimum organized in one designated area. Knowing convincing paper retention guidelines would really help
Anonymous userI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Papers kept for various reference purposes (e.g., recipes, home improvement/design ideas, retirement/finance articles, health & fitness articles).My storage/filing systems were better (right now I have too many places where things are being kept, I'm in the process of reviewing and downsizing).
DanettaI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Things to do on vacation, hotel info.
Interesting books , music, restaurants, future trip destinations.
If I file a paper, it no longer exists. I try to have many in-basket stacks by broad topic. If I put the in-basket in a drawer or closet, it no longer exists.
BarbaraI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Things that I want to read or at least review but I don’t have time right now. Travel brochures, prospectuses, information about city services, concerts, museum exhibits, etc., etc. I tend to leave it where I started reading—next to the sofa, on the sofa, on the desk. I gather it up and go through some of it but never seem to get rid of all of itIn general, I don’t struggle. I toss junk mail and file important papers. It’s the in between stuff that lies around, becoming clutter.
Anonymous userI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Mail requests for contributions of memberships yo good causes that I wish I could or think aI should spend money on, but cannot or do not (for some reason) make a decision right away about.

And other mailed in offers that segment tempting big I can’t quite figure out if they are scams or if I should. They present conundrum that I can’t let go of in the moment. It makes me feel stressed now just thinking about it! In fact, these pitches make me angry now! I just might throw them out in a rage! 😂😅😂
… I can’t make a decision.
… mail did not come in
… depressed and inadequate
DianeI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Medical, receipts and statementsI had a better short term system and long-term filing system
JeanneAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.I am retired. most bills are auto deducted. junk mail’s goes immediately from mailbox or recycling. I no longer subscribe to any publications . The occasional bill is mailed out the next day.. Any cardboard boxes are dropped off once a week at the town recycling center.

I guess you can see how much I detest paper!
I have always been good with paper management. I once ran two law offices, before I went into teaching.( more paper). I often helped colleagues with their portfolios.
JenniferI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Husband writes on stuff. I don't know if he needs itEasier if everything was emailed and autopay
rowanAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my memories are not tied to paper
CeeI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Home owner(mortgage related) and improvement papers, mortgage related including changes of mortgage holder companies, retirement account statements, Paperwork ( pared down) of deceased parents and grandparents. Plan to only keep long enough to make sure everything is properly settled.Accumulation of paper makes me feel Overwhelmed.
I struggle with paper clutter because I'm afraid I will need something I declutter or shred.
Would be much easier if I had a proper system to keep bare minimum organized in one designated area. Knowing convincing paper retention guidelines would really help
MillieAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.I don't know how long to keep certain papers, like medical records, and Medicare bills. I have paperwork from when I purchased my house 20 years ago. Do I need these papers when I go to sell my house? All my papers are filed in a two-drawer filing cabinet but it's getting full and I'd like to thin it out. What can I shred?The accumulation of paper is my home makes me feel like my kids are going to hate me when I die because they won't be able to figure out my "system."
LenetteI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.MedicalI have a certain comfort level with paper vs scanned only.
KatharineI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Info that needs to be read. Lists that need my attention. Receipts that I hold long enough to check accounts and I think about shredding but procrastinate to do either.After running errands, I throw receipts in a bin so I can find them later. My lists collect in the bin as well. Sometimes during the week I’ll go through them & shred. Often, everything else ends up in the same bin.🙃
I stuck to a specific day/time to go through the bin. Mail is dealt with daily.
I feel discouraged & disorganized & don’t want people to see my piles in my bins. It seems when I finally get everything sorted & filled, I get behind again. I used to go through piles when I woke up super early. It was easier to throw out stuff if I waited long enough for items to expire. I always took care of my son’s school stuff on time. For myself, it’s difficult making decisions.
KathianneI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.My greatest challenge: Papers that I may need at a later date or will need at a later date that do not have a direct connection with finance.

I have a "time will tell" bin, but have not been good at putting an "expiration" date on it.

Perhaps I should "batch" my papers that I may need at a later date and then put the expiration date for that batch on my calendar.
I struggle with paper clutter because I often don't realize that I could find the information that I am saving - probably more easily than finding the paper.

I would have an easier time managing paper if I would file by broad categories and not put files on vertical surfaces!

The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel disorganized, even though I can usually locate what I want fairly quickly.
Bluenose BrendaI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Information pamphlets, souvenir ephemera, handwritten info on family & friendsI would have an easier time managing paper if only I had a system to storage memorabilia paper and travel documents
MelissaI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.No one category comes to mind. I have lost track of a system I used to use that is outdated and I can’t seem to find the time, space, and motivation to set up the new system.I struggle with paper clutter because I lack a system - and maybe because I’m looking for the ‘perfect’ time/ system.
I would have an easier time managing paper if only I could find a place for my homeless items and paper.
The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel confused, frustrated, and stressed.
KelliAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.I have a massive backlog of my own sorted, filed and boxed up papers. More concerning is, I was recently named trustee of my uncle's estate and now 20plus boxes of his paper have entered my house for me to go thru, make sense of and purge. Luckily, 98% can probably go straight to recycle but it'll take me a while to get through it. Pet peeve #1 he saved every single envelope and insert! Goodbye to those asap! I toss mine the minute they come in the house.I like paper, I like labeled files. My problem is letting go of the old because in my former accounting life I could document all of it straight to the accounting program and purge. My problem now is more with computer software. I'm not willing to pay $1000plus a year for the sage/peachtree software I know & love so nothing is digitally documented anymore, so I keep the paper (1 organized file box per year) but I'm getting older and the stack is getting taller, it's too much! Keep thinking I will put it on excel instead but you happens.
PeggyAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Mail.I have to keep up on it daily. Mail comes in and I go through it that day. Otherwise I would not be able to keep up on it.
DeeI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.1. Paperwork from parent’s estate (It just seems to go on forever!”
2. Papers and receipts for spouse’s small business and how long to keep them.
The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel exhausted. There are always dozens of papers waiting to be dealt with, paid, filed, decided on, etc.

I would have an easier time dealing with paper clutter if my spouse’s small business was done with. I’ll be so glad when it’s finished and he retires.
Anonymous userI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.I keep things I want to do something with but procrastinate on it. Too many articles, offers, statements.Struggle … because I procrastinate and my office is too messy to work in.
Easier time … if I’d prioritize cleaning my office.
Accumulation… makes me feel lazy, incompetent and out of control.
HeatherI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my, medical, sentimental (cards, letters, etc.), career (past projects, resources for future projects)I struggle with paper clutter because much of it feels worth keeping. That said, I would have an easier time managing paper if only I could get paid for what would be the full-time job of scanning it all. 🙂
Anonymous userI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Papers associated with things I want think about maybe research before making a decision. I can’t figure out what to do with all this and cycle through it often enough to purge no longer relevant items or items no longer relevant. The collection just grows.

Papers I want to read. Even the collection of articles I tore out of magazines is a huge overwhelming stack. I seem to never get back to them and eventually just start indiscriminately tossing.

These categories makeup the landslide on my desk.
I struggle with paper clutter because…

I have a large collection of unread books. I consider these paper. I don’t have enough shelf space for them so I have multiple tall stacks of boxes. I can’t find a book when I want to read it. BTW, I have 3000 books on my Kindle. I love to read just don’t make enough time for it.

I don’t have enough storage space to neatly organize what I need to keep (I have minimized a lot by purging tax files and keeping a lot stored digitally on my computer. All of which is well organized) and what I want to keep as re papers about planned, in progress and possible future projects, articles to read and paper associated with ‘things to think about or research’.

It feels like a never ending project I have no hope of completing. It’s exhausting and I get tired of spending hours in my home office.
CelineAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Banking and tax returns that I wish I could purge immediately, but we have to keep a couple of years.I struggle with paper because I worked in a legal firm for years and I did the filing for many lawyers plus their personal filing. I hate to see papers on a desk….
Anonymous userI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up indefinitely.Notes and papers pertaining to specific projects, financial anything, programs from theatre, medical reports, sheet music, receipts, tax related paperwork, art paper for art projects,I struggle with paper clutter because I always have multiple projects going and I put all my energy into advancing those projects, and not organizing the paper contrail that follows my actions. I work very hard on things that interest me, and yet sorting/filing seems utterly insurmountable. A classic ADHD phenomenon.
LeePaper covers my house like snow, and I’ve totally lost control of the problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.I don't think my paper problem is "type" specific - just that there is a ton of it that accumulated over the years I was working.

I have plenty of file space but need to cull some of the files to make room for more useful papers. Have been in my "office" to try to cull articles on a number of occasions but when I look in the folders I usually decide I can't get rid of most of it because I'm not so sure I could find the info on the Internet. Have also gone in there to try to get rid of some greeting cards, but look and find that there are letters on the back that I want to save. But I have not set up a filing system for those, so that little stack just sits there. (I did set up a system quite a few years ago for that, and did thin it some years ago. But I don't think that system works that well and want to set up a new one.
I struggle with paper clutter because I have a few things blocking access to the file cabinets into which some of the papers should be organized and because the amount of paper is overwhelming. (And some is buried under other items.)
I would have an easier time managing paper if only I set up a regular schedule of handling small amounts at a time (x number of minutes per day or week). It would probably help to move what I am working on to a different location while I sort it so I don't have to see all of it while working.
We are contemplating a downsizing move in the next couple of years, so I need to get going! Hubby is definitely on board with getting rid of stuff, and we are planning where things should be donated to (church rummage sale coming up in May, etc.). It seems so much more "productive" to get rid of larger items than to work on small stacks of paper... But I know I need to get to that, too, because I don't want to pack up a bunch of useless stuff just to move it into a new "office" space and start off in the new place already overwhelmed. I want to leave the overwhelm behiind!!!
AnitaI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Interesting news articles.
Old course materials…as they fall into lots of categories mentally. Some are sentimental, some are actual interesting pieces of information, some have good references.
It feels part of my identity (old certificates, photos in newspapers of people I knew or know)
I was less sentimental and felt less need for accumulating information.(I have studied many things so feel the need to retain this information. )
JaneI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.The hardest paper clutter for me to handle is what I'm not sure what to do with. I now have a "time will tell" bin to put these papers in. Emptying this bin from the bottom periodically makes it much easier to let some of these papers go.I struggle with paper clutter because it keeps coming in!
CHRISTINEI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.any financial or legal paperwork keeps me full of anxiety, due to financial instability.
it is fear, not laziness, that causes me to not tackle this paperwork
accumulation of paper makes me feel nervous, anxious, fearful if it involves finances
NoreenI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Articles from Magazines and email newsletters. I do save them in a folder and try to read and purge them regularly, otherwise they become useless because they are out of date/expired.The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel good overall. I go through my inbox weekly and keep it under control. My mother had stacks of paper on her end table and kitchen table and I do not want to be like that.
LalaI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Old papers, older than 6-12 months, up to 30+ years old. Some may be important when/if I sell my house, not sure which to keep. Others remind me of my vacation travels. I only keep the ones with good memories.I struggle with paper clutter because
I'm not sure which ones are important for when I sell my house. Which may be soon.
Others hold happy memories that will disappear again once the paper/photo/souvenir is gone. I am over 70 now.
AllisonAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.I am currently being inundated by paper from a group I hold a leadership position in. I have a good filing system that works well but wish the blizzard of paper would stop. I do better with physical paper than electronic documents so switching to digital form is not a practical solution.My papers are well organized and under control. I just wish the influx from one group would slow down.
CI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.1) information that is or might be useful.
2) mementos of all kinds
3) lists, notes, to dos, references
There's always something more important to do, so papers end up in random piles or gathered, put aside as we try to tidy up.
Anonymous userI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Struggle because of an abusive marriage and nasty divorce . Fear that I still need proof of the abuse. And almost debilitating inability to deal with papers and business and trust documents that are associated with that nightmare . I do it - but it’s really unpleasant . I try to stay objective in those times . I’ll try to focus on decluttering papers that aren’t associated with that abuse .
Ellen in W MichiganI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.Receipts, warranties, and instructions. The biggest one is medical paperwork. There are many pieces of paper from several sources for nearly every medial visit, test, or procedure that may arrive over a period of months. They need to be sorted and collated to make sure all co-pays are made but that nothing is double-billed and paid. Contrary to what we were led to believe, medical records are NOT kept on file for more than a few years and when doctors move or retire, your records can evaporate. On-line "portals" can be hard to access and read and incomplete or just wrong and no way to fix or replace. I did a big purge of my medical paperwork and now have no records of some important incidents. It takes so much time, attention, and brain-power to decide and deal with all the medical stuff.I struggle with paperwork because it is tedious and time-consuming and difficult to decide what and where to keep it. It can take months to get all the paperwork regarding an incident and you have to keep re-visiting it until all is received and dealt with. I also have attention and concentration problems due to a couple of head injuries that make it even more of a challenge. There is very little feeling of reward and satisfaction when it is done, unlike other decluttering or cleaning projects.
LynnI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Insurance records of all types, be they medical, vehicle or household. I either toss everything and regret it when I need to reference something, or keep everything unnecessary in case it might be needed.

Am working on the sweet spot with a new method. Will let you know if it works.
I don't have an accumulation. The what if stuff gets sorted and decluttered at least once a year if not more. The mail gets picked up and managed once a week with ads being tossed in the outside trash before invading my house. Incoming bills get set up to be paid on the computer and paper tossed immediately. Catalogs have been reduced to a bare minimum and get tossed within a month of receipt.

The biggest sore spot is medical records. During my breast cancer treatment a few years ago, I was inundated with an avalanche of paper from numerous sources that I had to hang onto for more than two years until all the bills were paid and reconciled with Medicare. Some of the treatment paperwork needs to be kept for future reference if the cancer returns. I need to sort through the drawer and toss the stuff no longer needed. Just procrastinating the reliving of all that turmoil.
SummerI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.Items that need more follow upI feel discouraged sometimes because of the work to accomplish tasks and feel I could literally spend all my time on paperwork
YvonneAll of my papers are sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Important documents like insurance, taxes. I never know what I should keep and what is truly unimportant. I get sent correspondence but a lot of it feels redundant.I would have an easier time managing paper if only I could get my husband to understand that not every piece of paper that comes into the house needs to be filed. We have a HUGE antique wooden file cabinet that is filled with old bills, old taxes, miscellaneous papers etc. It’s not necessary but when I want to declutter it he says we need to keep it all. Ugh!!
AbbyPaper covers my house like snow, and I’ve totally lost control of the problem.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up indefinitely.Sentimental, pendingI don’t have a routine or habit of WHEN I deal with it
I had time, energy, and motivation
Ashamed/embarrased, overwhelmed/lost cause
DebbieI have a massive backlog of paper sorting and filing, and I can’t see any end in sight.I tend to let mail and other papers pile up, then deal with them in one Herculean effort.Anything sentimental, cards, items that have info I am afraid I will need1. I procrastinate
2. I had a better system in place and made myself do it
3. Out of control
CelinaI have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers occasionally.1. receipts (I store them in my wallet until too thick, so then I have a plastic zip lock where I store them and sum up monthly to keep track of my budget)
2. school papers (I work at 3 schools and offer private tutoring. I have an office in one of them, but two are online teaching, so paperwork from there is at home).
3. new: documents for bills and maintenance of my new tiny flat. Internet contract, etc.
I would have an easier time managing paper if only I had a separate piece of furniture or a set of folders to organise it.
AnneI have a small, manageable volume of paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.Sentimental itemsI’m easily distracted.
Name (click to view full survey response and comments)Please select the statement that BEST describes your paper backlog.Please select the statement that BEST describes your ongoing relationship with incoming paper.Describe the types or categories of paper clutter that you find the most challenging.Please complete one or more of the following statements: