Survey #247—Full Response from Yvonne

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Please select the statement that BEST describes your paper backlog.All of my papers are sorted and filed.
Please select the statement that BEST describes your ongoing relationship with incoming paper.I sort and manage each day’s incoming mail and other papers as they arrive in my home.
Describe the types or categories of paper clutter that you find the most challenging to sort, purge, and organize.Important documents like insurance, taxes. I never know what I should keep and what is truly unimportant. I get sent correspondence but a lot of it feels redundant.
Please complete one or more of the following statements: “I struggle with paper clutter because ___.” “I would have an easier time managing paper if only ___.” “The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel ___.”I would have an easier time managing paper if only I could get my husband to understand that not every piece of paper that comes into the house needs to be filed. We have a HUGE antique wooden file cabinet that is filled with old bills, old taxes, miscellaneous papers etc. It’s not necessary but when I want to declutter it he says we need to keep it all. Ugh!!
Future topics

What are the best decluttering strategies people use to let go of their possessions? For example, the one that works best for me is when I ask myself “ do I want to continue to manage this item?” With everything I need to do on a daily basis now, the less I have to manage, the better!!! It often pushes me to move past the “ I could use this someday talk that creeps into my head”.

The other thing I say to myself ( especially about clothing) is, “ if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a Hell No”!

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