Survey #247—Full Response from Lee

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Please select the statement that BEST describes your paper backlog.Paper covers my house like snow, and I’ve totally lost control of the problem.
Please select the statement that BEST describes your ongoing relationship with incoming paper.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.
Describe the types or categories of paper clutter that you find the most challenging to sort, purge, and organize.I don't think my paper problem is "type" specific - just that there is a ton of it that accumulated over the years I was working.

I have plenty of file space but need to cull some of the files to make room for more useful papers. Have been in my "office" to try to cull articles on a number of occasions but when I look in the folders I usually decide I can't get rid of most of it because I'm not so sure I could find the info on the Internet. Have also gone in there to try to get rid of some greeting cards, but look and find that there are letters on the back that I want to save. But I have not set up a filing system for those, so that little stack just sits there. (I did set up a system quite a few years ago for that, and did thin it some years ago. But I don't think that system works that well and want to set up a new one.
Please complete one or more of the following statements: “I struggle with paper clutter because ___.” “I would have an easier time managing paper if only ___.” “The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel ___.”I struggle with paper clutter because I have a few things blocking access to the file cabinets into which some of the papers should be organized and because the amount of paper is overwhelming. (And some is buried under other items.)
I would have an easier time managing paper if only I set up a regular schedule of handling small amounts at a time (x number of minutes per day or week). It would probably help to move what I am working on to a different location while I sort it so I don't have to see all of it while working.
We are contemplating a downsizing move in the next couple of years, so I need to get going! Hubby is definitely on board with getting rid of stuff, and we are planning where things should be donated to (church rummage sale coming up in May, etc.). It seems so much more "productive" to get rid of larger items than to work on small stacks of paper... But I know I need to get to that, too, because I don't want to pack up a bunch of useless stuff just to move it into a new "office" space and start off in the new place already overwhelmed. I want to leave the overwhelm behiind!!!
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