Survey #247—Full Response from Anonymous user

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Please select the statement that BEST describes your paper backlog.I have a backlog of paper for sorting and filing that’s starting to become a problem.
Please select the statement that BEST describes your ongoing relationship with incoming paper.I sort and manage incoming mail and other papers at least weekly.
Describe the types or categories of paper clutter that you find the most challenging to sort, purge, and organize.Sometimes my categories are too broad so theres a lot of paper in files. These are related to house, insurance, car, health etec etc. Then.... in my job as a teacher I have a wide selection of age groups to cover so I tend to keep that at home and in school ! Send help....please
Please complete one or more of the following statements: “I struggle with paper clutter because ___.” “I would have an easier time managing paper if only ___.” “The accumulation of paper in my home makes me feel ___.”I struggle with paper because i am working and main carer for my mum so am between 2 houses and am not in my own house enough to deal with on a regular basis.
I would have a better time dealing with it if I had more time in my own house to sort etc.
The accumulation of paper makes me feel stressed as i am usually organized.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Which is better tight /specific categories or broader ones?
I consider myself more paper orientated than digital as i am afraid i will lose info, is this madness ?
Future topics

As the main carer for my mum ( as well as working...I organize care when i am at work) I struggle with trying to quietly declutter for her. she has early onset dementia so sometimes is not logical about what to keep etc. I am conscious that the house has to be sorted eventually so am trying to do drawer by drawer etc. Thankfully i know which pieces generally are important to her but its still a big job ! So perhaps dealing with stuff thats not your stuff !!!!!!

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