
Gayle Goddard (left) shows workshops participants how to sort a desk.
Clutter Fairy workshops are available for your company, small group, or nonprofit organization. Any of these topics can be customized to meet the specific needs of your audience. Call us at 713‑816‑9505 or send e-mail to request more information or to schedule an event.
Conquering Clutter 101: The Basics
This introductory classroom session will give you the tips and tricks you need to move past being overwhelmed and start clearing out your “stuff.” You will learn the secrets of sorting mail, clearing and organizing your desk, cleaning out your closets, and divesting yourself of unused, unneeded items. You’ll leave the workshop with loads of organizing ideas to transform any space into a productive, pleasant, clutter‑free zone.
Conquering Clutter 102: Your Closet
You come home from the mall with two bags of new clothes—your latest score! You open the closet, and you have to jump back to avoid being buried under the avalanche. If you shop as if your closet is a black hole, chances are you have a big clutter problem on your hands. This class covers the basics for organizing the finite space that is your closet!
Conquering Clutter 103: Your Craft Area
Creative types have lots of trouble with clutter. Most will tell you that it’s just a sign of the creative process. The only problem is that too much clutter interferes with your ability to be creative! You re-buy supplies because you can’t find the ones you know you already purchased. There’s no clear surface to work on, either. Come learn ways to control your creative materials and space, so you can stop dodging clutter and create freely.
Conquering Clutter 104: Your Home Office
This workshop provides tools and strategies to help you create the perfect office for your needs. We’ll show you how to optimize the usefulness of your desktop and to put those drawers to work. We’ll talk about alternative filing systems and where to position equipment and stash supplies. In short, we’ll show you everything you need to know to make your desk the efficient, productive zone you need to accomplish great things!
Conquering Clutter 201: Your E‑mail
Does the thought of organizing your e-mail give you the willies? Is your inbox up to 800 items yet? You need some strategies to “file” your paperless data, just as you used to file your paper. You have to be able to find electronic data when you need it. We will talk through some great ideas to help you organize your data so you can retrieve vital data when you want it.